Chapter 11

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Camilas POV
    "We need to go to Neosi...I know people there who can help us.There on our team so don't worry about being seen that's where they come in.Get your stuff and meet me in the car" Shawn says we had gotten home after finding out the news that my sister was taken by Zeus. I was in easy obviously and everyone knew Lauren was upset everyone was.They all had a special bond with my sister but her and Lauren they where inseparable,just like her and I but in a different way.Lauren held me as I cried when we got into our room it was hard knowing she could be dead any minute now or already be dead. "Camila I need you to breath..we're gonna get her back and once we do she won't leave  our site I'll protect her I promise" Lauren runs my back as I lay my head on her chest. "Your right" I lift my head and look her in the eyes "I love you" I blurt out she puts a soft smile on "I love you too" we meet half way in a small kiss.We continue to pack and meet everyone down stairs and head into our car.
    "So Shawn how are we going to get to Neosi?" Ally looks up from her phone "It's not on a map like anywhere" Normani says looking at a map with Dinah. "It's because people with supernatural powers stay there and on other islands ruled by kinds and queens.We're going to be taking my private plane it's gonna take us about 7-9 hours to get there maybe longer." He looks at us our eyes wide. "Are there more people that have our powers?" Dinah asks "Well duh but of course there's some without powers there their guardian to guid them and give them advice" Shawn speaks "What about me do people have one or more powers like I do?" I ask looking him in the eyes "Yes but no one there has the demonic powers like you but the moving things with the mind and stuff yes and they can have fire powers and Kanya powers like Dinah" he finishes. "Ah perfect we're here y'all" Lucy speaks "Oh Shawn our special guests are going to be meeting us there and yes they brought what you asked for." Lucy speaks as she takes her seat belt off Shawn nods "Perfect" and we all exit the car.
    "Hello and welcome to Mends express I'm your Caption please call me Louis" a voice speaks over the intercom and another following after "And I'm your Co caption Liam,if there's any questions feel free to just come up and ask.Enjoy your flight" we all buckle in. Normani and Dinah are in the front by the door,Lauren and I are seated on the other row,Ally and Shawn are sharing a seat behind us,And Lucy was up in front with Louis and Liam. "It's gonna be ok" Lauren whispers to me and I put my jeans on her shoulder and interlock out fingers. I nod and close my eyes as Lauren looks out the window.
    "BOO!" I hear and jolt awake to find a laughing Dinah and Normani. "What the hell guys?? What was that for?" I rub my eyes. "We-were here" Dinah says in-between her fits of laughter. I had a perfect idea on how I was gonna get them back. My eyes turn gold and they stop laughing and step back "Ok woah Camila" Normani says. "Lauren was going to wake you up but we told her Shawn was calling her so she got y'all's stuff and is waiting outside for you" Dinah says gulping still trying to get out the door with Normani. My eyes now turn red "OH SHIT RUN" I hear Dinah yell as she gets the door open we're on a tall building and I mean tall.You can barley see what's down below it doesn't even look like a kingdom but sorta like Nee York. I put my hand out feeling the energy come out of both my hands and I point one at Dinah and the other and Normani. They both scream and everyone looks at us. I bring them both closer to me now only using one hand as I glide them to the side of the building. "AHHHH CAMILA OK WERE SORRY OK?!! WE DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT" Dinah screams as she's floating in the air of the side of the building.Just to mess with them one last time before bribing them back I pretend as if I'm going to drop them.They yell and I laugh while putting them back on the building.Everyone was laughing while Normani and Dinah try to understand what just happened.
"Damn it Camila you didn't need to scare us that bad" Dinah says putting a hand in her chest taking a deep breath. The door to the building opens and four girls run out "WHO THE HELL DID THAT?!" One of the girls yell "I did" I raise my hand. The four girls look at me "Hello Santana,Brittany,Quinn,and Rachel" Shawn speaks up the four girls look at him "Hi Shawn" they say together with smiles. I see one of them staring at me. "Well do you want me to introduce you? Or would you like to yourself?" Shawn speaks again. "Hi I'm Brittany" the tall blond speaks "I'm Santana Brittany's girlfriend" The one next to the blond speaks taking there hands and interlocking them. "I'm Quinn" the shorter blond speaks "And I'm Rachel!" The last one says enthusiastically still staring at me. Lauren seems to notice and speaks up "Hi I'm Lauren Camilas girlfriend" Lauren's smiles at me and puts her arm around my shoulders I interlock our hands and smile at her. Rachel's smile fades a little but brings it right back. "Sup I'm Dinah" Dinah give a wave "I'm Normani" "And I'm Ally nice to meet you all" Ally gives a smile.
"These are the girls I was telling you about there here to help us" Shawn tells us "Come with us trolls we'll show your around" Santana spoke wile the others followed after her. We follow her into the building "Who's building does this belong to?" Ally asks looking around "It's mine" Brittany speaks "We'll it belongs to Santana and I but it's under my name" she says joking her girlfriends hand and dragging her to the elevator we follow close behind. We get to the the forth floor and the elevators open we gasp "Holy shit" we all speak. "Cool right?" Santana speaks with an amazed smile.

 "Cool right?" Santana speaks with an amazed smile

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"This is the work space for the employees who work with us

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"This is the work space for the employees who work with us...we run a mafia in a way" Quinn speaks "I also help run the employees here and keep them on track along with getting my work done and being the right hand women to these two" she points to Santana and Brittany "And I also help with keep the finances in check and to make sure no one is stealing from us and if they do Quinn handles it." Rachel adds with her smile.She smiles a lot I told myself. "We also stay here but we stay on the top floor no one is allowed up there only us and we'll of course you we also have a training room where you all will be trained I was informed that one of you is the chosen one" Santana spoke looking at each and everyone one of us "Which one is it?" Brittany whispers to Santana,she shrugs her shoulders "It's Camila she's the chosen one" Lucy speaks with a smile and patting my shoulder. All eyes turn to me "That's so cool" Brittany says I smile "Thank you" I chuckle a little "I would like to see the stuff you can do" Brittany bounces up and down with a big smile.Santana looks at Brittany and smiles "Of course but we must show them the place they will be staying at?" She asks her girlfriend Brittany turns to her "Yes of course follow me" she says as she runs towards the elevator again.We all get in and head up to the 6th floor the doors open and our eyes go even wider

"This is just the living room but you can go ahead and look at the rooms,except the one at the very end of the hall that's where Brittany and I sleep

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"This is just the living room but you can go ahead and look at the rooms,except the one at the very end of the hall that's where Brittany and I sleep.Oh and the other two ones next to it?" She asks looking at us all with a serious face. We nod and go look for a room to stay in.
I hope y'all like this chapter sorry I haven't been updating enough s bitch been busy.But YUHHHHH thought I would add the unholy trinity and Rachel.Bc why not...also I would like to say we miss you Naya and we always will.Thank You for everything you have taught your peers and I.We love you very much.Rest well angel ❤️❤️

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