no. 10

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"here, let me take a picture of you" jungkook persisted as i told him i don't like pictures. "please it's our last night and i'd like to have as many pictures from this summer as possible" those last words made me give in, and i bet he knew they would.

i agreed but only if my face wasn't in it which he whined about but quickly got over it when i posed on the shore, running my hands through my hair so they weren't awkwardly sitting at my sides. i faced the ocean and listened for the camera click that came much later than i expected, he really is a perfectionist with the angle of photos. i'm sure it wasn't helpful to him that i said only one picture, so he had to make it count.

"i thought a blurry picture would fit your instagram" he explained as i looked down at the picture he had just taken show up on the small square screen of his professional camera.

i made a joke about him stalking my instagram and we both laughed and continued our walk along the beach.

we spent 6 days here, each as eventful and exciting as the last. we never ran out of things to do for long, all it took was one of us saying we were bored and within an hour we would be bike riding or back on the yacht or swimming in the pool, you name it.

a month ago i could have never guessed i would be at the beach far away from home with my childhood best friend i hadn't heard from in over a decade, but here i am. walking along the shore hand in hand with a god damn rockstar that i'm beginning to fall in love with.

as if he can read my thoughts, jungkook turns to me and tugs on my arm, bringing me to collide with his chest. i instinctively wrap my arms around his torso and he does the same, placing a hand on the back of my head.

i can feel his chest rising and falling with each breath, "are you ready to go back?" he asks and i sigh, tightening my hold around him. "let's stay like this for a while" i respond with my eyes still closed, i hear his faint chuckle and he runs his fingers through my hair.

"come on lets order some dinner and watch a movie" i give into his suggestion and we begin our journey in the other direction towards our condo.


"do you want spring rolls?" i asked jungkook who was sitting at the counter across from me. we decided to order chinese food because it was the only place open for delivery that wouldn't take an hour to arrive. he nodded at my question and i added that to the order i was reading out to the person on the other line.

i would normally never order this much for two people, but i didn't realize until he started living with me how much food the pair of us actually consume. they told us our order would take about 45 minutes which i found to be reasonable enough for us to find a movie and get settled.

"it's the 17th, isn't your birthday coming up soon?" he asked me once i finally hung up the phone. i wandered around the island to where he was sitting and stood between his legs. his hands found my waist and i smiled, "yep in about a week" i responded and he leaned in to kiss me shortly after. "great then i get a day to spoil you like you did to me" i rolled my eyes and turned to walk away from him.

i picked up the tv remote and switched it on while throwing myself on the couch. jungkook's eyes followed me as i did and he didn't wait too terribly long to join me in choosing a movie.

"taehyung wants me to watch this movie 'Call Me by Your Name' but i haven't had the chance to yet." my mouth hangs open at his suggestion. "you've never seen CMBYN?" he shakes his head in confusion and i insist that we watch it.

i quickly search the title and the movie in question pops up on the screen. we decided to wait until our food arrives to watch it, so it just sits on the screen staring at us while i brag about how well done the film is.

jungkook laughs at my excitement and i just shrug off him completely making fun of me. "taehyung must be one smart man because this movie is so good. i wouldn't say it's a complete masterpiece but the acting is impeccable" i finally sit back on the couch, deciding that my bragging session is done. the man beside me just continues to look at me with a grin on his face.

"what?" i finally ask, having had enough of the staring without explanation. he just shrugs and sits back next to me, "nothing i just thought that was cute" i smiled at his words just as there was a knock at the door.

"i'll get it" i jumped up and raced to the door, cash in hand and jungkook just laughed at me once again. i paid the deliveryman and took the food inside to the kitchen counter where jungkook was already waiting for me.

"i could have paid for it, jude" he tried to make me feel bad for paying for the first meal i've had a chance to take care of for this whole trip. "coulda shoulda woulda" was all i said and he just rolled his eyes at me

he just whined at me while we unpackaged the food and grabbed our chopsticks. we made the smart decision to bring the food to the living room so we wouldn't have to get up during the movie if we wanted more.

we got everything settled and sat on the couch together with a blanket covering our legs. i finally pressed play and we began eating our dinner.


"you know i don't see why it was so impossible for elio to go back with oliver. he says his dad wouldn't approve and he has a girlfriend, but if he were really so in love with elio then none of that would matter. he could've handled both the dad and the girlfriend situation" jungkook spoke as the final credits rolled.

i thought for a moment about what i should say to him, because elio and oliver were truly in love, but there were many reasons that kept them apart. "there are too many factors playing into it that would've cause more harm than good. i think it was a mature decision for them to stay apart in the end even though it didn't feel so right in the beginning" i settled on my reponse

jungkook got quiet and looked at me, "you're a really smart girl, but not everything has to be decided with your head" he said in almost a whisper.

"some decisions are meant to be from the heart"

𝑆𝐼𝑁𝐶𝐸𝑅𝐸𝐿𝑌, 𝐽𝑈𝐷𝐸. || 𝐽𝑈𝑁𝐺𝐾𝑂𝑂𝐾 𝐹𝐹Where stories live. Discover now