no. 2

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"jungkook, please get back in the car!" hobi yelled at the man who had his entire torso and up outside of the sunroof. i just laughed while keeping my eyes on the almost deserted road ahead.

"mind your business hoseok" jungkook yelled so his voice could be heard over the whipping breeze. hobi lost hope and just sat back, leaving jungkook to have his peaceful moment.

i knew exactly where to go, so i turned onto a road that led to one of those tunnels like in "the perks of being a wallflower".

we quickly approached it and i glanced up to see a smile stretch across jungkook's face when he noticed where we were heading. my eyes moved back at the road and i gassed it.

as soon as we entered the tunnel he began screaming at the top of his lungs. releasing every worry and stress he had ever felt right onto the road behind us. his hair whipped around with the wind trying to fight his body to move out of its way.

i looked in the mirror to see hobi holding onto the roof handle for dear life.

these are my people.

the tunnel left just as soon as it came and jungkook remained halfway out of the vehicle. i slowed down now that i had to be weary of police officers hiding in the shadows.

i took the next exit and pulled into the first convenience store in sight, craving some real junk food.

"snacks anyone?" i asked as jungkook lowered himself back into the car and took his seat back.

"sure! i'll come with to help you carry it" he offered and i smiled, looking back at hobi who looked like he was holding down his dinner.

i shut my door, deciding to give the man a minute of peace and quiet to compose himself.

"that was so exhilarating! i have never felt so refreshed in my entire life" jungkook bounced and skipped to the door of the gas station, holding it open for me to enter.

i laughed at how giddy he was, he truly filled out his bunny persona.

he immediately began picking out random snacks and drinks and stuffing them under his surprisingly large arms. "woah slow down there big guy i can't afford all this stuff. i just got home from college remember" i told him and he looked at me with the most sarcastically offended face i had ever seen.

"what led you to believe i was going to let you pay?" he scoffed and continued picking out things we could eat, not forgetting 4+ packages of cup of noodles before dumping it on the counter in front of the cashier.

"sorry about that" he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. the cashier didn't even look up at him, and just began scanning the items.

once everything was bagged up we each grabbed as much as we could while the cashier ran jungkook's black card.

whilst in the process of handing it back he looked at the card and read "jeon jungkook" aloud before looking up at him and gasping.

jungkook's eyes widened when he realized what happened. "you're THE jeon jungkook! i love your music you are so cool!! what are you doing here in amer-" she was cut off by him saying a quick thank you and us running back to the car in a fit of laughter.

"well that's a first" jungkook threw a bag at hobi and buckled his seatbelt. "i've never been recognized in america. oh god and i was with a girl oh no" he suddenly put his face in his hands.

"hey i'm not that ugly!" i yelled, hitting his arm. he looked up at me with an apologetic face "no no no! you don't get it. i can't be seen with a girl! my company is going to set me on fire" the realization hit me all at once and now i was the one who felt guilty.

"oh shit" was all hoseok said before we pulled out of there and began our ride back to his house. it was a ride full of jungkook making phone calls to his band mates and his company and his manager and anyone else that mattered is his industry.

hobi just sat in silence, staring off into space, seemingly just as worried about this mishap as jungkook was.

i took note of how careful i'd have to be if i wanted to do anything with jungkook outside of the house.

when we arrived at hobi's jungkook had just gotten off a call. we both gave him a hug goodbye and told him how much we love him and will miss him before he went into his house and we got in my car.

hobi pulled him aside for a private conversation. i didnt mind or really even think much of it just wondering why it was something i couldn't know.

jungkook walked over to my car with a soft smile on his face as he climbed into the passenger seat.

"do you want to go get your stuff from the hotel now or in the morning?" i asked once we were driving again.

"well i'm not tired because of this crazy time difference, but we can go in the morning if you are" he offered and i declined. i told him i wasn't tired either and i would hate for him to have to sleep in dirty clothes.

we laughed and caught up on the major things each other missed in the time we spent apart.

highschool was one hell of an experience for me, and he had missed every bit of it.

"your first kiss was vernon?!" he exclaimed and i face palmed. he laughed at me and i felt stupid for telling him.

my first kiss however was not even close to my biggest embarrassment.

"you're way out of his league what were you thinking?!" i scoffed at his remark, thinking he was being sarcastic

"okay okay so funny let's make fun of jude" i said, pulling under the awning in front of the very fancy hotel, now deep into manhattan.

"i'm being completely serious! that kid is a total player i could tell from when we were in kindergarten and he had like 6 girlfriends." he said as we walked into the building and he put on a face mask and a bucket hat, handing me a mask too.

"famous people problems" i remarked as we stepped into the elevator. he giggled but it didn't reach his eyes like normal, and that made me feel bad for making the joke.

we walked through the maze of hallways until we got to his room. it was neat and everything was in its respective place, another sign that this was the same jungkook as a decade before.

i picked up a backpack and a suitcase, and he grabbed his duffle bag and another suitcase. very large suitcases might i add, this man does not pack lightly.

"wait let me grab my bag from the bathroom" he held us up just as we were about to leave. i waited for him to pack his skincare and toothbrush into a little toiletries bag, stuffing it into the backpack that was on my back before finally leaving the room.

i was lucky he didn't have the time to unpack his things before the renunion, because i lied when i said i wasn't tired. i was honestly exhausted, it was almost 3am and i just longed for my bed.

i yawned while leaning on the counter waiting for jungkook to check out of his room. he saw me and after we finally got the car packed he took the keys from my hand, insisting that he drive.

i gave in, not even having the energy for a petty argument. i put the directions to my house into the GPS, not expecting him to remember how to get there after something like 13 years and never having actually driven there.

i watched his big, brown, doe eyes focus on the road and take extra care with turning and using his signals. i slowly drifted to sleep as i watched and before i knew it i was completely knocked out in the passenger seat of my own car.

i was woken up by the door of my room closing. i was in my room. after falling asleep in my car.

he carried me to my bed and unpacked the car all by himself just because i was so lazy i fell asleep when i promised him i wasn't tired.

i sat up and immediately fell back down onto my pillow. i would apologize in the morning. nothing is more important to me right now than sleep.

𝑆𝐼𝑁𝐶𝐸𝑅𝐸𝐿𝑌, 𝐽𝑈𝐷𝐸. || 𝐽𝑈𝑁𝐺𝐾𝑂𝑂𝐾 𝐹𝐹Where stories live. Discover now