When I moved to leave her, the panic in her voice had me smiling on the inside. She didn't like it when I left her alone, but she didn't realize how important her isolation was. I learned the most from her when she was alone, watching to see if she would fall into old routines or practices. After Jaden's first week of being able to roam freely, she trained. She'd exercise until her face was beet red—shadowboxing, advanced kicks, running in place, push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, planks, yoga, everything she could do to not only stay in shape but also to stay warm. When she wasn't exercising, she'd meditate or stretch. It wasn't as if I gave her much to do in there. But after a few weeks, her behavior began to change. Each day, she engaged in a little less training; there was less rage in her shadowboxing, and her kicks lacked their usual flair.

Some days, she wouldn't train at all and spent hours crying into the pillows. She was losing hope, and though it broke my heart to see her in such pain, I knew it was necessary. She was beginning to see her training as pointless, and she was slowly starting to give up. She'd spend more time either curled in a ball on the bed, her small fingers tracing over my name on her wrists, or pacing the room while her eyes watched the door anxiously. She was waiting for mewaiting for me to free her from her isolated torment. But she would not be free because of pity or for my overwhelming desire to have her at my side again. I had a goal that I needed to accomplish, and if I stopped now, I feared the whole process would be ruined, and I'd have to start completely over.

When I did eventually go to her, the happiness that flashed on her face made me smile. I wanted her to look at me like that forever. But just as I left, her smile would fade, and she would curl back into a depressing state of loneliness. I wanted to bring her back to the light so badly, but I wasn't sure if she was ready. I needed to find out for sure.

When I walked into the room in the morning, Jaden was still asleep in the bed, curled up on her side and facing the door. She looked so sweet and innocent in her sleep; my redheaded angel that I was going to twist into a new demon.

Gently sitting on the bed, I tucked the stray hair that fell over her face behind her ear. The slight motion was enough to make her stir.

"Wake up, princess," I whispered, my hand lovingly caressing her face.

Her lids slowly lifted just enough to reveal the beautiful amber behind them. A sleepy smile graced her lips as she moved her head into my lap, nudging her face against my thigh. Warmth flooded my chest at her reaction to me, and I rewarded her by running my fingers through the soft strands of her hair. She allowed a quiet moan of pleasure to leave her throat, practically purring in my lap like a sexy little kitten. I continued to stroke her hair for only a few more seconds before I finally gripped her roots tightly and held firm, sending a wave of shock over Jaden's body.

"Time for breakfast," I drawled, and she knew exactly what that meant.

Without a single second of hesitation, Jaden moved to pull down the zipper of my pants. She released my painfully hard cock from its confines only for it to become buried in the back of her throat. She bobbed her head and sucked hard just the way I liked until my self-control met its match. I gripped the sides of her head and fucked her mouth like the savage I was until my cum was shooting down her throat. And she swallowed it all as if she were starving for it.

When I was satisfied, I pushed Jaden's naked body back against the bed and pried her legs apart. My tongue was inside her in seconds, lapping and sucking at my own breakfast while her taste drove me insane. She was already soaking wet for me.

Jaden's back arched, her hands digging into the sheets as soft moans of pleasure left her mouth. My hands trailed up her hips, smoothing over her soft stomach until they were clutching at her breasts, pinching and teasing her nipples and causing her to twitch under my tongue.

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