[47] Schlatt [47]

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might be an angst warning type of chapter, loads of stuff is going to happen
go get comfy and read on your own accord! more at the bottom
- mention of blood

"Hey-" Puffy walked into the castle, freezing at the suddenly at the amount of people labouring different furniture. Karl was in the middle of it, directing people left right and centre. "Karl?"

He turned to his name, a light smile on his features. "Puffy! Welcome back from your trip,"

"What is happening?" She asked, weaving between the people holding the furniture and to the man in the middle.
"Oh, you haven't heard? The Prince is going to marry Princess Isabella in an hour."

Puffy's face fell, then turned into rage. "And where is he?"
"In his office" Karl replied obliviously, and Puffy went immediately after saying thank you.

As soon as she was out of sight, he broke his character. Slipping out the room and down the corridor to the main door.


Puffy knocked on the door, Dream's voice coming from inside letting her enter.
"Hey Pu-"

"Right. By me saying to not marry Hannah, doesn't mean to marry someone else, especially Isabella."
"What's wrong with Isabella?" Dream asked, looking up from the papers he was writing.

"Wh- Have you just forgotten what she did to Y/N? If you want her back then-"

"I don't want her back" Dream lied to himself, looking down at the paper and finishing it off.

"What?" Puffy faltered,
"I don't want her back" He repeated, "And I'm sorry for what she did to you"

"What she did to me?" The girl grew even more confused.

"Y/N didn't do anything to me."
"You don't have to lie for her now. I know" Dream sympathised. "I'm sorry for not looking into the situation,"

"What are you saying? She did nothing to me, are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?"
"Isabella told me the truth-"

"What?" Puffy interuppted yet again, "What did she say?"

"About all Y/N's lies, how she hurt you and blamed it on her. How she made Isabella hurt her to break me even more. How she just wanted to hurt me mentally. How she never loved me." He responded, placing the sheets of paper down, his heart broke, being the first time he said it out loud. Sighing and getting out of his seat.

Puffy's mouth was wide open in shock, no way Dream believed this.. right? I mean, this is clearly lies.
"I refuse to believe that you think that is true."

Dream halted, looking at the maid. "She didn't do anything to me, ask Sapnap and George. Even Bad, they saw how bad Isabella treated Y/N."

"You are saying that Y/N is a 'liar' and don't want her back? Well you are marrying the biggest liar there is! Can you not see that?"

When the Prince was silent, she continued. ".. You seriously believe her over your most trusted friends? Are you insane? I know the whole situation has made you think things over, but come on. Seriously?"
"And you even saw her hurt Sapnap years ago, with your own eyes"

"Dream. Please, I can tell you in detail how much she fricking loves you. Trust me, when she couldn't sleep she would talk to me about it."

"So you are going to apologize to your friends first, then I am going out yet again to find her"

".. I can't even cancel" He murmured, looking away shamefully. Why did he even believe her.

"What do you mean?"
"It's too short of a notice, I'm sorry. I messing up a lot." He rambled, pacing back and forth. "I can try and ask her if we could-"

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