Beginning of It All

154 8 5

New York,

It was eight years ago today, that Siryah would lose her parents. It was seven years that she found out that her aunt was truly a piece of shit. Her parents left her an inheritance of a half-million dollars, between the apartment, the storefront that was downstairs, and the insurance money, Siryah should have been set. Instead, her greedy aunt stole $200,000 from her as "custodial fees", she probably would have taken it all if her parents didn't really trust her mother's sister and only released part of the money upon their death and the rest when she turned 25. Thank God, her 25th birthday was in a month. She may finally get out of debt and be able to take the European vacation that she has been dying to take.

Living paycheck to paycheck, with the student loans starting to be due, was a struggle. She just graduated with her master's in Global Finance from NYU Stern School of Business. She had been fortunate that her parents had started a 529 plan for her to pay for all of her undergrad at Columbia University, where she majored in International Business and International Relations. She has been looking for jobs that would allow her to use her degrees, but she hasn't decided what she wants to do just yet. For now, she had to work a double shift in the shitty little hole in the wall bar. It has helped her pay her bills since her Aunt ran off with her money.

Today is going to be a miserable day.


The sun has just risen in the early morning sky, Liam is waking up to the sound of his royal assistant clearing his throat.

"Good morning your Highness, sorry to wake you, but your stepmother has requested your presence for breakfast in one hour."

"Thank you, James. Let her know that I will see her in an hour's time." Liam can see that James is debating whether or not to continue speaking, by the look on his face, he knows that the Prince is not going to like the news.

"Out with James," Liam sighs.

"Your Highness, Lady Lisa, and Lady Leah will be joining her..." James sees the anger flash in Liam's eyes and decides not to continue but quickly states, "Very well, sire, I will inform her Majesty that you will attend breakfast." He turns and practically runs out of Liam's chambers.

"Why must that woman insist on prancing that contemptuous woman in front of me at every moment.!" He roars, his lion is furious. They both agree that Lisa is the worst female in the Pride and he would not wish her on his worst enemy.

"Easy there, Tiger!" someone chuckles as they enter his quarters.

"Shut up. Dax" Liam scowls.

"Whoa, someone woke up in a mood," Dax says, raising his hands defensively in the air.

"You know what, will you join me for breakfast?" Liam asks.

"Only if they serve a real breakfast, none of that toast and jam with a poached egg shit. I need steak and eggs!"Dax demands.

Liam laughs, "I'll send James a text stating that we will be having steak and eggs, bacon, the works."

"Now you're talking, I have to run a few things by Derrick, what time should I be there?" questions Dax.

"In forty-five minutes," Liam replies.

"I'll see you then." Dax turned and walked out the door.

Liam smiles, he knows that he should have warned Dax about his guest.

"Serves him right for calling me a tiger!" he chuckles then turns his attention to preparing for this breakfast fiasco.

New York

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