Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Princess

"Princess, you are going to be late for school," Dad called from outside of the family bathroom. I sighed, as I heard him call me the name, that I hated so much.

"Don't call me that," I screamed at the door. I heard him laugh and go down the stairs. I looked into the mirror and saw a person named Blake-Lynn the Princess.

Dad thought he had it bad back when he was the Prince and was in school. I knew his story well. He was King of the Unborn, fell in love with Hayley, my mum, and they went through hell, but in the end they had their fairytale. If only I could be so lucky, I thought.

I snapped out of my trance and took in my appearance. I wore a navy blue tanktop with light blue jeans and a pair of flats. I might as well dress cheery for everyone. Even though I was covering up the true me, but Ariel will keep his mouth shut. Or I'll think of something else.

I opened the bathroom door to see the devil. "Ariel," I greeted, with a fake smile.

He grinned. "How can you conceal yourself to everyone but me?"

I smiled, ruffling his hair. "Just don't tell my secret and it will be okay, little bro." He smiled, sidestepping me into the bathroom.

I went downstairs to find my mum and dad having a full on make-out session. "Ew," I said, covering my eyes with my arm. "Can you just go back up to your room?"

I heard my mum's laugh. "Sorry, Blakey. But your dad has to take you to school and I have to make you guys breakfast.

I mumbled to myself as I took a seat at the kitchen table. I cracked open a can of orange soda. "That's not good for you, this early in the morning," Mother told me, though still smiling. High off of love, I thought sarcastically. Why couldn't I have that? Why couldn't my life be as perfect as theirs? I guess that's just life.

I saw Ariel come down the stairs, so I turned my attention to him. "What is it like to be named after a mermaid," I laughed at my own joke.

He smirked, while Mother kissed him on the forehead. She gave me a disappproving look. "You know he was named after Aria, Blakey."

I shrugged, not liking that she ruined my sarcasm. Ariel sat directly in front of me. "What is it like to be a Princess?" he asked. I fumed silently. I looked over at mum and dad and their eyes were expectant. I kicked Ariel in the shin. Hard.

He bit his lip behind the pain. "It's time to leave," Dad said suddenly. He grabbed Mum and kissed her like it would be their last. He always kissed her like that. I scoffed and stormed out of the door. Ariel was right beside me. "To answer your question, Ari, I hate that I have to be the Princess. It's much worse than when Dad had to go through it. And well, the school day will prove that one."

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