ALP - 4 - Routine

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"It looks like it's going to be another beautiful day outside!" Ink grinned. "Are you ready for your lessons?"

"Yes.." We replied; we were too tired to complain.

"Great! In that case, we'll be beginning in an hour! Right now, we have a couple little rules to follow. Last night, it came to my attention that some of you get nightmares. Nightmares can be very unhelpful when trying to reform someone, so we have to handle this delicately! If you happen to have a nightmare, please, don't hesitate to ask for help! We're always willing to help out reforming criminals!"

"S-so you're saying w-we can't go t-to Dust anymore?" Cross looked sad.


"But Dusty's the best at helpin' after nightmares!" Killer exclaimed.

"And what are you supposed to do when 'Dusty' has a nightmare?"

"Dusty doesn't have nightmares!"

"Oh, really?" 


"Well, then. I guess you're all in for a big surprise tonight. Anyway, I'll be going!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nightmare looked mad.

"Why would I tell you?"

"Some reform school this is." Error wasn't impressed.

Ink laughed; it sent shivers down our spines.

"O-oh boy!" Ink couldn't stop laughing. "Reform school is just so I can legalize keeping you here! I could care less if you were reformed!"

Ink continued his laughter all the way out the door; it was unsettling. We spent the next few minutes realizing what Ink meant. He was using the reforming as an excuse to essentially torture us, and it was actually obvious! We wondered if the entire multiverse was actually too blind to see this, he was mind-controlling them, or he was just really subtle about it. We decided to just forget about that aspect; the truth would reveal itself eventually, and at that point, we would know. We decided to play some games until something new happened, since we were children. We played some backgammon to get our minds off important matters, and we were ready to face the challenges of the day, whatever they might have been. After a few games, the door was unlocked, and the familiar enemies walked in; Ink never acted even remotely cruel when they were around, which meant we were probably safe. We were quickly seated on the floor and given a reforming lesson, which we didn't really care about; Ink didn't care about it, which meant we didn't have to, either. When the good enemies left, Ink stayed behind to 'talk,' which probably meant he was either going to inflict pain on us or something else equally as bad.

"Wasn't that a great lesson?" Ink smiled.

"No." We responded together; it really wasn't.

"Fair enough. I have a surprise for you!" 

This didn't sit well with us. Ink pulled some bracelets that looked exactly like the one he made me wear out of his pocket, and he forced the others to wear them.

"There! Now you're all matching!" Ink seemed proud. 

"What, do you think these are going to keep us in line?" Error scoffed.

"Of course not." Ink chuckled. "They're just because I want to."

"Want to what?"

Ink simply pressed a button, and we were all in agony; he was cruel. When he left - a few hours later - we weren't doing so well; we wished we could charge him with child abuse or assault. He had committed both. When we healed from the experience, we talked for a while about possible ways to escape, but we found nothing; we needed a way out. After a few more games of backgammon, the time had again reached the dreaded "bedtime hour" that we despised so much. We were lined up once again as Ink began his search of the room; we were also incredibly tired, which led to more than one of us being slammed to the ground. When Ink finally allowed us to go to bed, we quickly rushed to our beds and crawled under the blankets; that was a safe place. As soon as Ink left the room, I shut my eyesockets and fell into a dusty nightmare. I was exhausted, and I couldn't wait to get to sleep. I felt content with my dream, and I was happy; that didn't mean that I didn't feel Ink trying to use the bracelet to force me to be scared, though. He was a real pain sometimes, but I didn't let him affect me; I simply enjoyed the soft bed and floating dust.

I didn't like being there, but at least I had my family.

~~~chapter end woot~~~

Dust bean family ow.

Thanks for reading my ridiculous writing!


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