"He really is!"

"Did he do anything else?"

"Not this time, sorry, Dust."

"That's okay! Um..do you have any idea what Ink's planning?"

"For you?"

"Yeah..something about training?" 

"He said there might be a new training tape soon.."


"You're going to be the victim, aren't you?"

"It looks that way.."

"Well, good luck."


The rest of our conversation was about different topics, but we managed to come back to Papyrus quite a lot; now that it was permitted to talk about him, there was so much to talk about! Our conversation continued for a few hours, until the door opened once more, and the diabolical guard stepped in; Fell had to leave then, and I was left to die - quite literally. I put my Hope down so I wouldn't lose it during the screaming; bones breaking didn't phase me anymore, but I was obliged to scream when people wanted me to, and the diabolical guard wanted me to. Needless to say, I would give him his satisfaction as he killed me. He knelt down beside me before he would start his terrorizing.

"Hey, little Dust." He was probably smiling behind his mask.

I said nothing.

"I've been sent to kill you." He probably asked to.

I nodded; only Ink scared me, and as much as he tried to imitate Ink, he wasn't Ink, and that made all the difference. 

"Gosh, I wish you talked more." He groaned. "Oh well. Your cries are good enough."

The guard started soon after that, and within thirty minutes, he had given me a fracture that was fatal; even if broken bones didn't hurt anymore, breakages that would kill anyway would kill. I woke up in my bed after the forced reset and got on my feet quickly; hours passed like lightning, and I couldn't afford to waste a single second. My first stop, as always, was the guard station, where I would look at my brother's latest accomplishments; his file now boasted over three hundred pages! It seemed like the longer I was in captivity, the faster my brother accomplished things, and I loved going over every one of them. I was so proud of my little brother; he's the best! When I had poured over the final page enough, I took my forty minutes and headed to Grillby's, where my friends would no doubt be waiting for me; I wondered who would be there today. More often than not, it was only the old lady and Grillby, since everybody had jobs in their conquered state, and they were hard to get away from. The old lady was a supervisor, though; she could simply watch Grillby's - while engaging in conversation. When I entered the restaurant, I found that it was only the old lady and Grillby, but I didn't mind; their company was a blessing after being killed. I took my seat.

"Hello, Sans!" Grillby seemed happy.

"It's so good to see you again!" The old lady smiled.

"Likewise." I returned. "How have things been going?"

"As well as can be expected. You?"

"The usual."

"Still no sign of your brother?" Grillby inquired.

"A lot of news about him, but I haven't seen him since..you know.."

"Sans, that event was not your fault. You couldn't have known there was a portal about to be opened up."

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