"There we go! You're gonna be okay, Dust!" 

"Yeah, I'll be okay!"

"That's what I like to hear!"

"Thanks, Fell..I wouldn't have made it this far without you."

"Ah, that's just nonsense! You're strong enough to get by without my help, but whatever I can do, trust that I will do."


"Now, before you have to do this, I figure you'll want something extra."


"Just the knowledge that your brother saved Horrortale again."

"Really? He's the best!"

"Yep! He's pretty cool!"

"I can't wait for him to come! I'll be able to tell him how cool he is and how he's the best at everything!" 

"Don't forget how patient you are!"

"Yeah! I'm super patient, and I'll wait forever!"

"I'll vouch for that!"

"How much time is left?"


"None." A new voice had entered the room - Ink. "Guard, go to the assembly. I'll take care of Dusty."

"Yes, Sir." Fell left Ink and me alone.

"We're going to have so much fun today, Dusty!" Ink walked over to me. "The only question is if you can be a good little Dusty and walk behind me willingly, or if I need to use..other tactics."

"What..t-tactics?" I didn't want to know.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a rope."


"Gosh, Dusty!" Ink giggled. "It's like you think everything I do is painful!"

"Most of it is.."

"Ah, well, that's true. So, are you coming with or without it?"

"Without it.." I didn't exactly want to be tied up. 

"Great!" Ink smiled. "Come on, Dusty!"

I stood up to follow Ink; there was no chance of escape on my own, and I didn't try. It wasn't very shocking that I would follow Ink without restraints; he probably had eyelights in the back of his skull, which meant that I wasn't going anywhere he didn't want me to. It was actually a long walk to the training area; I was pretty tired out when we got there. It was an outdoor training area with a raised stage for the actual training part, and Ink would be right in the center of it. I saw almost every high rank there, including the diabolical guard; this was truly a big event. When we arrived, I was seated next to the stage with a few high ranks; they smirked at me, knowing exactly why I was there and waiting to hear my screams of pain. I was in for it, unfortunately. When nobody else was entering the area, Ink took his place on stage and prepared the guards; only Fell knew that I was going to be present, which meant that the other guards were in for a surprise. I didn't exactly look forward to it, opting to look forward to my time in my universe instead. When Ink was ready, he began his introduction; I wondered how much pain I would be in.

"Welcome, guards, to your training for today!" Ink greeted. "As always, you will be taught new techniques for maximum performance possibility and new rules that you will be following! Please, hold your questions until the end! Now, we will start with the new rules! Some complaints have been made about being put into two groups under different high ranks, and I will respond accordingly! You have all been placed into a section under a commander! One hundred guards per commander, except for Blue, who gets the overflow. If you're in the overflow, simply wait for a new high rank to join us, and you will be sorted accordingly! Your sections will be listed in the main hall on the notice wall; don't skip out on it, or there will be consequences. Now, I believe that's the only thing other than a few conduct rules, but we always do those at the end! Now for techniques! Please welcome our training dummy for today, Dusty!"

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