01| rise and fall

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Cheers from our soldiers are shouted and echoed throughout what was left of the nation of Manburg.

We actually did it, despite all my doubt we actually did it.

Most of our buildings in the center are destroyed, as well as majority of our land. None of that mattered to any of us though, it all had seemed very expendable now because we finally took back everything that we've worked this hard to get to over the span of months.

After Schlatt had tormented and brainwashed the citizens of what he had renamed it 'Manburg', we all rose over it all, winning back out beloved country. This now the second time.

Tommy runs up to me with his arms wide open and tackles me hug with biggest smile on his face. His clothes were ripped to shreds, he had black ash stained onto his face and scattered throughout his blond hair, that was brushed in all different directions, and bruises, cuts assorted of all shapes and sizes, crimson stained bandages all over his body— but Ive never seen him this happy since we won our independence as a country all that time ago.

"WE DID IT Y/N!" A single tear of pure joy flew down his red cheeks covered in a light brown dust. The younger boy had also been skeptical of this war, because of Wilbur's headspace, though it proved it all had prevailed.

"YES WE DID TOMMY!" I raised one fist into the air, holding Tommy tightly in a hug with the other.
"Where's Will? He should be celebrating with us?" I asked him, still yelling so the boy could hear me over all the shouting of other celebrations around us. I'm worried— Wilbur may have been visually better than he was in Pogtopia; though he would still be unstable.

"I'm not sure I haven't seen him since Schlatt— you know." He looked down at the ground, still with a small grin on his face, rocking back and forth on the heels on his feet—  satisfied with the events that occurred that day, even the deadly ones.

A loud sizzle comes from the inside of a nearby hill just across from what was left of the podium, where most of our people were standing together. The ground begins to shake, growing more aggressive every second.

"Did you hear that?" He looks up at me and asks. He grips my arm tighter and slowly steps behind me.

The sizzling had become louder, an almost unbearable and deafening noise now. The blond boy struggling to stay in his toes as the ground beneath us begins to shake harder. My head jolts to locate the eyes of a shorter, brunet boy who stood alongside the crowd of citizens. adjacent to where the noise is coming from.

Before we knew it, or react in anyway—
A loud boom erupted from the hill, explosives burst from the inside, leaving some to fly into the air just for them to scatter around the ground of the land we had just took back.
Blowing up and destroying a sizable portion of what was left.




Cries and screams from all of us who were once cheering echoed through the ruins of our once again fallen country.

I used my shield to stop any loose rocks, burning ash or smoke getting into either Tommy' face or mine.

I stood there shocked. I had almost no reaction because I was so confused, so much running through my veins that I felt none of.
My expression was dead, the wide, teeth filled smile had vanished like all of my hope.

I pulled down the shield after a vast amount of the smoke had began to evaporate. I turn my head and look at scared boy beside me and tears start to stream down his face, only this time they hadn't been happy.

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