Learning about Vibrant's prank tendencies, Gaster was obviously scared. He could already see the chaos that would be caused by his child. They were all doomed, weren't they? This universe wouldn't last long, and his sanity would last even less with this new addition to his family. As much as he loved them with all of his SOUL, he was starting to ask himself why those Deities chose his universe of all places to drop those chaotic teenagers.

Sans and Papyrus, though, were quite excited at the idea of helping their big brothers pranking this universe, and perhaps the whole Multiverse one day. Which made said big brothers proud and made Gaster question why his family was so chaotic. He himself wasn't chaotic –or he didn't think he was–, and they couldn't have corrupted his babies so soon... Right?

At this rate, he was starting to ask himself if they wouldn't corrupt him too. Knowing those Gods in children bodies, he was almost certain that he wouldn't escape being corrupted by their demonic shenanigans. Oh well, if you can't fight it, join it, as they say.

At least, they shouldn't traumatize him too much... The same thing couldn't be said for his Rat coworker, who they seemed to hate with a burning passion, for some reason.

During their little discussion, Vibrant tried at least three times to paint the house in neon colors. Thankfully, Drako stringed him up before he could use his spray paint –Gaster had no idea where he got it from but he stopped questioning Vibrant; he was even weirder than his other children, somehow– everywhere. The fact that the paint made them think back about Ink –even if the Creator favored paintbrushes instead of sprays unlike Vibrant– helped a lot in convincing Vibrant, who could have easily poofed out of the strings.

Gaster also learned that Vibrant liked to make graffiti, and if the pictures in his phone were anything to go by, he was extremely talented... And had a thing with putting rainbows on a certain 'Red''s house. By the sight of a piano randomly placed in the living room, as if dropped out of nowhere, Gaster could easily guess that this poor Red was the UnderFell counterpart of his first son. Drako's smirk was also a clue. "What did this poor SOUL ever do to you all?"

Vibrant shrugged. "He did nothin' but he keeps sayin' those tots unrad curses, that I need to censor. Dat's a lil punishment for his dirty mouth." Gaster frowned at the mention of Vibrant censoring him. They already evoked the subject, but he couldn't imagine how Vibrant would be able to censor someone. Beside maybe attacking the person with his skateboard and hitting them with it until they pass out –should he feel concerned that this came to his mind directly?–. Drako put a hand to his chin, seeming to think about Gaster's question before shrugging like Vibrant did. "He DiDN'T dO AnYtHIng, I jUst LiKE To FUnK WiTH HiM. AnD HIs ReACTiONs ArE PrIcELeSs, As I AlReaDY ToLD YOu." Gaster's brows shot up at the sound of Drako's answer. Did he just censor himself or was it...?

One look at the disapproving gaze that Vibrant was throwing at Drako was enough to make him understand that this was the parasite's doing. Somehow. He had absolutely no idea how it was even possible to directly modify what someone was saying.

Torment crossed his arms and scoffed. "'He didn't do anything' my nonexistent butt! Booptard destroyed every single one of your ribs more than once when you just wanted his darn chocolate!" Drako smiled nervously, not really seeing the problem with this. It wasn't like Red was the only one attacking him whenever he was caught in an AU after all. "YeS, AnD?"

Vibrant's glasses turned into the word 'BOI!' while the skeleton placed both of his hands in front of him, toward Drako, with a deadpan expression. That was soon imitated by Blade, who said the exact same thing written on his glasses. As they did so, Demise shook his head, being both exasperated and highly concerned because he could feel that Drako truly didn't see anything wrong with someone destroying his ribs to shreds. Torment looked at him with a deadpan expression. Clearly, they already had this discussion in the past. Papyrus and Sans seemed horrified, but not as much as Gaster, whose eyelights disappeared from his eyesockets. "He did WHAT?!"

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