The dark

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With the overwhelming stink coming from every corner it feels like I was being suffocated. Like my lungs were being squeezed by the smell. Trying to figure out where what was as I held up the small moon crescent up, letting the light it emits shine around. Disgusted at what was all around on the walls, Black goo oozed off of them, bubbling slightly as I tried to comprehend what it was. But all my mind was thinking was fear and wanting to run. Not able to though because I had to save Josh...I had to. Looking away from the goo as I try not to notice it the best I could, but It being seemingly everywhere. Then walking down the path I found myself in. Hearing small thumps, but not in random order, it was a thump similar to a heart beat. Looking around the walls again, this time noticing they were pulsing with each beat. My eyes widening slightly then think now. It seemed like the whole place was living. But how, it felt impossible but I was looking right at it, like every nightmare ever had been put together and strive in one place.
Now picking up the pace, I start to make my way through what this living labyrinth was. Looking around quickly I find a set of large doors with back cracks slithering up it. Then realizing that it was the dining room doors. Running up to them slightly hesitant as I looked at the black cracks, made from the dark goo as I reached out slowly to touch it. But I felt a small drop on my hand as I stopped. Gulping softly as I pull my hand back to look at it. A big blotch of black goo as I try to get it off, freaking out slightly. Then another drop falling on me as I get more frightened. Slowly looking up to see what was making the drips.

As my head raised to look at the ceiling, a sudden crash in front of me shook me slightly. Looking to it with horror as I try to slowly back away. The weird figure looked like a frail person, Making a slight clicking noise. Not paying attention to what was behind me but still stepping backwards. Not wanting the attention of the..thing. My foot though stepping on a small pod of the black goo, making a slight squish under my feet. Looking down at it quickly then up at the creature. Horror filled in my eyes now. My eyes studied the creature closely now as I hoped it didn't hear me. It's head tilting slightly then looking around. Freezing in my place but When looking at it it didn't have eyes, tilting my head now as it seemed to just have small holes where a nose would be, and ears.

With the small clicks of the thing by the door I carefully look around without moving. Seeing small items laying on the floor still like small stones. Looking at the thing before crouching down to pick one up. Hoping this would work as I throw it  down the hallway opposite of me. The stone hitting a wall, making a crack that rang out. The monster perking up quickly as it sniffs around then walks to where the sound was, looking around there now. Taking my chances now I quietly slip to the door. Closing my eyes as I start to push on it. It is still as heavy as I remember it as it starts to move. Letting out a loud creak that echoed through the hallway. Closing my eyes tightly and then turning around slowly to see if the thing was there.

A large gust of hot air flew in my face, from the huff of the thing out of the mouth like thing on it. Starting to shake slightly from the fear raising through my body. Staring forward at the thing as I held my breath in my mouth. Not wanting to  move as it started to move its head to the left, then the right. As I gained enough courage to move slightly, taking my foot and letting it step up. But from the monster a loud rawr that shook myself and the goop around me. The saliva and pieces of goo falling on me as I close my eyes then rush through the doors. Their hinges swing open with the doors as I stumble through.

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