The dark

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Listening closely as everything was dark, the closing bookcase cutting it all off. I ended up slowly finding my way to the floor to sit softly, the only thing I could do. Listening to the drips and drops of water falling to the ground from the stone walls. Fear in my eyes as I close them tightly and hope to see something change, hugging my legs now. As I did this though there was a sound, opening my eyes quickly as I look to see what it was, sounding like it was a flint and steel used to make fire. Peering out slightly to find that the area was lit by torches, a whole hallway present now as I stand up slowly and look around in amazement. My mouth opening alittle as i step froward into the hallway as i hold onto my arms and look at the torches, burning without smoke as I look alittle confused. Continuing though the hallway until the walls space out and come to a large room to see bookshelves and tables filled with vials and containers for something i only remember seeing once. Walking a little closer to it as I sit in the chair in front of a table and look down at a large book sitting on it. Carefully picking up the corner of the frail cover, hearing the pages crinkle on the inside as I pull the cover open, finding steps and equations for potions and spells as I read over some. The equations alittle confusing as i peer at them and read, trying to figure out what they meant. Then a sudden tap on my back made me ump high and look back behind me scaredly as I shake slightly.

The boy from the dinner table stood before me in alittle concerning look on his face as he grabs at my hand in desperation. Saying scaredly "come on...come on...we can't be here.". Grabbing my arm and pulling on it as I try to get away as I whimper and pout out "b-but". Not being able to come up with something to say as I try to get away, pulling my hand away. His face gets really worried now as he picks me up, a blush coming to my face as I stop resisting. Him bringing me back out as I look down alittle, his hand coming to my chin and lifting it as I gulp and look into his eyes. But finding his was gentle as he looked down at me, softly saying we can't be in there for safety as I nod slowly and look down. Then he hugs me tightly and says to me that he remembers me, my eyes widen a little as I look at him in confusion, my eyes locked on him as my head looks up to see him. Then he smiles alittle and sets me down and walks to my room and opens the door for me. "I'll explain ok" I nod and walk into the room behind him

Going to sit on the bed in my room, walking a little scared, not knowing what will happen as I gulp softly and stare at the bed in front of me. Sitting slowly down as I look down and stare at the floor from the boy's gaze. Then hearing his gentle words as he speaks towards me, closing my eyes tightly, but listening to his every word. Saying that we couldn't be there, that it was dangerous if we messed with the wrong thing, and that his dad would kill him. Slowly nodding to this, slightly disappointed, not by him, but to myself because i was so interested in the room itself. I then feel his hand touch mine as he sighs softly and says sorry. His reasons for what he did was that he didn't wanna lose me so fast, at least what he said to me. I blush a little as I nod, and before he knows it I was hugging him tightly as I closed my eyes. Happy he wasn't mad and glad to hear his soft chuckle when he hugged back.

With the sun now at noon as I looked out the window, smiling wide as I pondered on what the boy told me. His name! It's really nice to least to me.  Josh! Something I can know about him and call him by instead of what I had known him by. Glad to know his name i exhale in relief and turn around stepping slowly to my door at the other end of my room and stepping out as I closer the door behind me. Wanting to explore the castle, maybe finding more secrets and to get familiar with the place i was now staying in. Smiling i walk down the long hallway, my steps barley heard on the carpet under my feet as I pass rooms. Slight conversations going on within them. Looking at each as I pass by, not paying much attention as I do and soon enough I run into someone, falling backwards I land on my tush and whimper. Looking up slowly at the person I bumped into and slightly flinching in fear.

Slowly raising my gaze to the figure in front of me as I slightly covered my head. They turn around slowly, their dark figure fading as they turn and I am greeted by a familiar face, seeing the bright smile of Daniel and his face. I immediately jump up with a happy grin as I look up at him softly, my tail wagging gently. Asking him softly what he was doing out here, dressed in dark. Not completely understanding what he was wearing at that moment, a black cloak and underclothes as I looked at him. He then leaned down to me after looking around the hallway to see if there was anyone around, but it being barren. Saying to me in a hushed voice that it was a secret. Then standing up again as he pats my head and starts to walk off.

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