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Wang Yibo's P.O.V :

Boarding the car, I was glared by three guys. They were in their tactical wears and their glares were piercing through me. "What?" I was freaking annoyed. Leaving me no option, I stared back with the same intensity. 

"Ouch!" Soon one of them at the backseat beside me smacked my face. It pained. Bloody hell. Who gave them the power to beat up anyone they want? Oh ! they are damn annoying. The rest of the drive was quiet. I decided to ignore those muscled guys with piercing stares. And as always I stared out through the car window. 

No don't think I'm caught by the police like always. Don't think this low of me. I was talking about my liking. I like staring outside. So that's what I did.  I maybe bad. But not as worse to be caught up behind the bars. Sorry ! But I'm much better than that. Trust me when I say. Ahh! Don't I have my fucking legs? Why do they need to grab me? Well for the time being I was in no mood to run. Here I lost my mom. Isn't it awful to trouble me to this extent? Oh now a days people barely cares for any. Anyways let me say what's going on rather judging any. 

"Oh! Slow. I can walk." 

"You spit another word and I'll smack you to death." 

Okay well ! They work with threatens. Well let's play the way you want. Let me save my face. I'm pretty much good looking to be smacked at my face again. Ahh! Sorry but don't ruin my face. This is my face to be hold. 

Soon I was pushed hard into a room with metal doors. They locked it and went off. Oh! Well hello !! I'm no killer. Fucking let me go. Kicking the door I hissed in pain. Yes I'm not made of stone to be not hurt after hitting a metal door. Ahaha! It pained. Well foolish me isn't it? There was a chair and I went up to it. Sitting and leaning back, I tried to close my eyes for a while. Anyways had no where to go. This place serving as a shelter, let me rest a while. 

"Mr. Wang Yibo?" Oh! Shits. Does God hate me to this extent? Came the man, who once fucked me up to no end. Oh! I know his face very well. He too seemed to be dumbfound staring my face. Well we both decided to play unknown to each other. 

"Yeah! That's me." said I. Shaking hands with me. He took the chair that was by the room, while his men stood behind him, and I stood right in front of him. I bowed him my respect. Had to. Can't play fair enough to tell. 'Oh! Mr. Sorry no respect. Coz once you fucking didn't care my life..' Oh chuck it. I'm tired to even answer his queries.

Oh so politely he's enquiring me. Fuck these double standards. Why the fuck he's the one to enquire? I felt like screaming. Those bloody queries, with each turn he tried to put the blame over me. With each decree, he's pointing me wrong. Well had to handle the bastard for maybe an hour. Yes ! That's how long I'm being enquired. I already feel like I'm tagged a murderer. 

"Well she took in. I suggested her not to inject. She got overdosed. Why the fuck I'm the one to blame?" I screamed to the top. My legs kicked the table in front and his men were quick to grab hold on me. Hahaha! Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill your master. Oh! God I wanted to scream it on them. But guess what. I was in tears. Losing a mom is hurting right. Every time I wish to hate the lady that made me scream in pain, made me lose my dignity , my identity , my respect. The lady that broke my soul , and even let me suffer terribly in the dark. 

Yet I couldn't. She's someone dear to me even if I don't want it. It's been just hours. Not even a day, and I'm still running over troubles. Soon I was sobbing by the floor. They let go of me and I sink to the floor. Clutching to my knees , I cried out. 

A moment later I was taken out of the room. I was yet dizzy coz of crying too much. I barely cry. But the pain was too much to take. Oh! Wish I could get an overdose. 

I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. And yes I was right. Oh ! He seemed gentle. He hold care in his eyes. Who was he? He seemed few years older to me. He wasn't in the tactic uniform as them and I knew he wasn't a part of this prison.

He was in black tuxedo. Handsome and also rich I suppose. Was he in some trouble too? But he seemed decent. Oh! Well do I still hold a position to judge people this easily? No right? Forget it.

Seeing people distracted, got me the chance to escape. And so did I. Yes I ran out of the place. They tried following me. Pacing my way, I boarded a van. I climbed into it and didn't let the owner know. Soon the van drove off and that was it. Congrates to me. I escaped successfully. Oh! I'm breathing the free air. Don't ask how much of suffocating that place was. I felt better. Honestly roads gave me the joy of freeness. Rather than any place. Travelling by these roads to no end. It's better than the torture I have ever been through. Growls felt on my ears. From where? Well guess it. 

I'm being hungry since morning. It was pretty obvious. Walking down the alley. I didn't meet the end of the way. There were no shops , no houses along the way. walking further more, I finally spotted one. Oh! Mr. Brew's bakery. I've been here. Oh! don't think he's good to me. Rather a person very contented to his money. Little did I pay less, and he was about to beat me up. Well there came Nathan who helped me pay. 

"1 .. 2.. 3..." Oh! fucks. I just have 5 Yuan with me. Poor me. I don't know how long will I be this hungry. 


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