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Wang Yibo's P.O.V :

Choosing a side, I rolled up the sleeve of my arm. I chose the upper arm, that's mostly hidden. My mom would be curious and would scream if I waste money over a tattoo. Groaned in pain, each time the needle pierce through me. "It's Okay.. It's already done.." This is what Nathan repeatedly uttered to sooth me.

Impressive right? Wow someone's caring about me. I kept laughing inwardly, as it felt weird to me. No! Sorry buddy , but I'm used to rudeness not kindness. Spitting, spanking, threatening, hitting are all kinds of behavior I'm very used to. Politeness, kindness aren't my cup of tea. That's what I believe. 

"We're done." Said the tattooist , once he was done covering my tattoo with a while paper bandage.

Paying the man, Nathan pulled me out of the place. We ran down the pavement. Once we reached the safe place. The place far from that building. He breathed in relief. What was it?

"Why we ran?" I asked. "Paid him half." And the place filled with his laughter with a scream of joy. "You cheated his money?" I stared at him in wide eye. "So what?" He laughed again. Though I felt bad, yet I laughed along. Let's not bother about him, when I'm myself so abysmal.   

Parting our ways, I walked to that small alley where, I'll be getting mom's stuff. "Hey ! you're back." Came a mocking tone, once they saw me walking up to them. Handing the money, they knew what I wanted. 

"Wanna have fun? Oh Come on.." I tried slapping off the hand, that tried to touch my bare skin. Fingers already half slid though my shirt bottom. I felt disgusted , yet I had to bare his touch. I knew one wrong move and they would make my money go in vain. How do I know? This wasn't the first time they're playing on me. 

Once I beat up the man, and they took all my money and I was not given my stuff. Back home I was more troubled by mom. That day's still a part of my nightmare. Each night would be a sleepless night , if I dream of it. 

So bearing his kinky touch, I tried not to grow in anger. Caressing my abs , my bare chest and nipping my buds. They did it all. It was hard to bare. They laughed at the moans that involuntarily left my mouth. Don't think I was enjoying. But sensitives buds will make any of you moan  even if you don't want it. Don't judge me please. 

Taking the stuff, I hurriedly ran out the place. Stumbling on the ground once or twice, I did hurt myself. Yet I knew I had to run. By now my body is too much exhausted. I'm leading home. I heard all say, 

'Home sweet home.'  

Sorry not for me. Home is just another pain in ass to me. It's never empty. Either I would walk in on my mom with some guys or someday some girls would be lying naked in my room. I have been brought up in an awful place. 

Okay by now you guys know a lot about me. Isn't it? Do I disgust you? Anyways even if I, I can't help it. Hahaha !

Ahh! as said. There's someone lying naked at my bed. Ew! it's too much. She's still connected to the toy at her cunt. It's a disgusting view. Oh ! Please I'll end up puking if I stay any longer. I walked out.

Why is she here? Can't she pleasure herself at her own place. Why here? What was just going on? Ahh! and again I went running to mom. As if she's gonna care. 

"Mom! There's someone in my room again... Mom get up.. Who's she? Why do you let them get my room... Mom do you hear me... Oh! Please mom..." 

There she laid all to herself. I yelled right at her ears. She's just groaning in her sleep. Oh! Shit. I'm too pissed. I'm exhausted man. I need rest. She's up finally. What else  did I expect? Tucking to my hand, she groaned. 

"Oh! baby bear.. What time is it?" 

"Mom please.. that's my room get her out of it.." and as always. Her words never matched my queries. Rather she would utter words of her own world. A world that she designed. A terrible place to be in. Even I'm dragged into it. 

"Honey! Did you get it.. Humm!" 

And I knew what she wanted. Sighing, I handed her the packets. She smilingly took it. Ah! The smile only blooms to see those packets in her hands. She was shaking, her eyes red, nose runny, her face heated up . She looked terrible. She's the only person I have. "Oh! Baby What would have mommy done without you.." her trembling hands tried to reach my cheeks, so I squatted forward. With a giggle she caressed my cheek.

"Mom! Why don't you smoke it?" "Maybe you should mind your own business." Said her with a taunting tone. Her love wasn't me. She would care for that every being that would provide her with those stuff. Here when I say smoking, is coz I want her safety. 

But anyways, she would go her way. Taking the syringe by her hands. How gleefully she took the cocaine treacle into her vein. Slowly I knew I was losing her. My fear becoming the reality. Her face turning pale, body ceasing, and her mouth agape, while her eyes widened meeting no end. She was gone. Her soul was gone. Just within a moment I saw her losing her soul. 

I wasn't crying. I don't know. My emotion isn't working. I was plainly staring at her. A moment later regaining my sense. I called for her. She was not responding. I panicked . I started to scream and my cries fell on my own ears. 

The next moment I knew was , my mom being carried away by four guys, while I was being wrapped in Auntie Belia's arms. She was neighbor. No my tears didn't cease. getting a shoulder to cry in, I poured out my heart. Her sooths didn't reach my ear, nor it console my soul. All I wanted was to cry. Not coz I lost my mom, coz I was left all alone. Having her was no different. She never acted like a mom. But now I'm an orphan. Oh! Please it hurts. It pains too much. 

"Mr. Yibo! " I heard a dense tone. "Here I'm" Said I wiping my tears. 

"We need to you in the investigation department. Come along." I knew I would be put under too many queries. My life has no good end. 

Will they lock me up? Sighs. 


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