Chapter 3-A Party for Thieves

Start from the beginning

Jade leads me to the washstand, and then heads to the chest in search of something that has not been covered in a week's worth of coal dust and dirt. Taking off my clothes, boots, and goggles leaving myself in a thin gray shift,  I start the annoying task of cleaning my hair and face.

When I finish, Jade flings a brightly colored bundle at me, catching it I feel the smoothness of silk brush across my fingers. I unroll the bundle, which reveals a red wine cotton blouse with intricate swirling patterns that shine golden in the candlelight. Forest green leggings follow suit, the material thin and soft against my hands.

The skirt though leaves me speechless, never have I seen something so beautiful in my life. Made from different strips of material in jewel dark colors, it reaches all the way down to my ankles. I touch the smooth silk, and soft cotton of the individual strips, all of them edged with designs of moons, suns and stars.

"Whoa," I say in amazement, "Isn't this a little too fancy for me."

Glancing over at Jade, my eyebrows rise up in question. Hands on her hips she stares at me as if I grew a second head.

"Have you forgotten one of the most important days? More important than the king's birthday. Which I can't believe people still celebrate like yes we know the old dog is still alive we get it," she says.

"So," I begin, "What is so special that I have to wear this?"

A smile appears on her face, one filled with conniving glee.

"It's the tenth anniversary since Miss Cole bought this place and turned it into one of the most popular places for debauchery and a home for us scoundrels," she says.

Her eyes now shine with mischief and promises of good old-fashioned trouble. I smile, filled with joy at the prospect of the celebration that will soon start under our very feet. Never have there been bigger parties thrown than at The Coal Inn, resulting in fistfights, drunken declarations of love, and even a wedding. Which ended with the groom and bride falling off a nearby dock. They survived, though they were too drunk to care.

I hurriedly dress, putting on the clothes and then grabbing my leather shoes, of which I only wear on special occasions like this. When I am done, I turn and see Jade dressed in clothes similar to mine. Except where mine are in colors of green, red, and purple, hers are in orange, yellow and bright red. A yellow and orange scarf ties her hair back, revealing small glass beads that dangle from her ears.

"Now let's get that nest of hair fixed before Lark hogs the comb," Jade says, picking up the fine tooth comb.

It is a struggle for her and a pain for me as she tames my snarled tresses. In the midst of this torture, the door bangs open to reveal the two others in our quartet. Dressed just like Jade and me, they swagger in failing to keep their laughter at bay.

"How's the raking going girls?" Gemma snickers, blue eyes filled with glee.

Lark upon seeing my angry face, loses control and laughs until she has tears in her eyes. Setting herself down on one of the cots, long brown legs stretching across the floor, she reclines oblivious to the space that she takes up.

"From my guess our little Starling thinks it's not going so well," Lark comments, a catlike grin lighting up her face.

Bringing attention to her sharp cheekbones and golden eyes. Eyes that sparkle like the blue and greens beads that decorate her many corded braids.

"Well if she would stay still it wouldn't hurt so much," Jade replies with thea huff.

"You know I'm sitting right here," I say, annoyance coating my voice.

"We know," Gemma replies, "but it is fun to see you mad."

Tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder, she gives me a look filled with teasing.

"It's also our way of showing that we love you Tara we wouldn't have you any other way," she finishes.

Clapping me on the shoulder, I notice she has added another ring to her collection of pilfered gems that shine on her pale fingers.

"Without you we wouldn't get into half the trouble that we get into. Remember the time you dared that pirate to throw you off the dock, boy was he mad," she says with a grin.

We all burst into laughter because the unfortunate pirate had gone swimming while I had stayed dry. While he made himself hoarse from cursing my name.

Finally, after an eternity of Jade's endless pulling of my scalp, we all go to the door. Heading down the steps, the sound of drums and pipes rattle the wall. The voices of the crowd sing along to a hearty tale of a sailor and his empty bed. At the entrance, two men already drunk with ale, attempt to dance to the bawdy song, arms and legs loose from the strong drink.

"Alright girls, let's show them how to really celebrate," I say.

My feet ready to dance and my heart beating to the rhythm of the drums, yearn to be let free. Crafty smiles line their faces ready to make merry and mischief. We enter and join the others already there, twirling their bodies and stomping their feet. Lark's twin Farris, clad in a shirt of blue and silver thread, is already on one of the tables. His boots thumping on the wood as he dances, legs nimble and swift as he performs for the rowdy crowd.

Our friend Mark has also drawn the attention of the many party goers. Ruffled golden hair framing conniving eyes of blue and a cunning smile. With his hands, he juggles mugs, knives, even a vase much to Miss Cole's dismay. Her gray eyes never leaving his skinny form, as he tosses her precious treasure above the heads of the people.

The twins Cora and Calla, do cartwheels and somersaults across the tables. Their dark skin painted with stars in silver paint, shine underneath the candle light. Then there is Darius clad in green dangling from the rafters, and Erick his red hair glistening with sweat as he arm wrestles a man twice his size.

On the stage, Jarvis plays the drums bare-chested, catching the eyes of women and a few men in the room. It's no wonder he does with his dark tanned skin, eyes the color of the sea, and shiny black hair, they all can't help but fall under his spell. Especially, when they see the many tattoos of seabirds and ships that decorate his arms.

With him on stage is Amelia playing the pipes, her blond hair white against the red of her lacy gown. Her brother Derrick leads the crowd in song while playing the old piano, his fingers flying across the ivory keys.

All of this I see while we join in the dance in the middle of the giant room. Boots thumping, hands clapping to the steady beat of the music. Feeling free from the worries of Reapers, soldiers, and aching legs. I dance to the music with vigor, my blood tingling and ears ringing with the sound of pipes. Joining hands, we laugh and raise our voices high in song. The walls resounding with the melody of thumping feet, clapping hands, and gathered voices. The melody of a party that threatens to last till dawn.

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