A love never received

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//I'm so sorry I didn't realise how long this chapter was, probs should have cut it up into smaller chapters but oh well lol this one has got some cute domestic Morgan and Athena moments to hopefully make up for the pain Athena's been put through in legit every other chapter lol//

"What are you thinking about?" Morgan asked, looking down at Athena as she scanned the paint isle with a furrowed brow of concentration. They spent a lot of time at various home improvement/DIY stores on their Sundays off given how many new home projects they were doing and Morgan's restoration side projects, but this time they were shopping for paint to completely re-do a room.

"What will we do if the baby is ugly?" She joked with an overly serious tone; Morgan let out a loud laugh that earned a few stares from other shoppers.

"That's what you're thinking about right now? If our baby will be ugly?"

"Absolutely- I'm not raising an ugly kid, I don't have that kind of love in me" she chuckled as she held up paint chips to the sketch of the room she had done in her little notebook. Shaking her head at the fact none of them were right and placing it back.

"Yeah you do" he smiled.

"Are you saying our kid's going to be ugly?" She teased.

"Absolutely not- how could it be when its mom looks like that?" He winked at her.

"Ew" she laughed.

"It's not my fault the kid's got a hot mom" he chuckled.

"You're going to get kicked out of Home Depot for sexually harassing a pregnant lady" she joked, pulling out a few more paint chips and smiling at the right shade of clementine yellow. She popped the paint chip into the pocket of her white denim dungarees which she wore over a white t-shirt that had old paint speckled on it. She was wearing her black heeled booties and had her hair pulled back into a claw clip with pieces spilling out onto her face.

"Sexually harassing my pregnant lady" Morgan joked and kissed her on the top of her head which made her roll her eyes with a chuckle.

It had been almost 6 weeks since they confirmed with the doctor that Athena was pregnant. 

Morgan had been making her go to the doctors twice a week to make sure everything was okay, despite her eye-rolls at him.

The doctor told her that she was already pregnant for roughly a week before finding out from the ambulance medic. They still hadn't told the rest of the team; they had said that they would wait until their 2nd ultrasound to tell the team just to be safe with all the complications that the tumour brought to the pregnancy, but after that scan happened they just forgot that they still hadn't told them after a while.With work continuing to be hectic, trying to balance pregnancy doctor visits, doing extra paperwork and the responsibilities of everyday life- they had both kind of forgotten that she was pregnant and been very overwhelmed with trying to keep on top of it all.

They were only re-reminded of what was happening in their lives when Athena started getting morning sickness and even that took some time to remember it was pregnancy related considering she usually threw up from migraines a lot of the time anyway. This was the first weekend that they had even started to think about where the baby would sleep and Athena had spent all night excitedly creating sketches of various rooms in bed as Morgan slept and then did a PowerPoint presentation for him in the morning which made him laugh.

She was finding it hard allowing herself to be as excited as she wanted to be so he was happy she was getting stuck into the room aspect of it. It was strange for her, having some kind of hope for the future. Her brain automatically went to the worst case scenario every time and she found it easier to ignore her pregnancy than let herself enjoy the idea that she could have a future of some sorts. This was the real reason she hadn't told the team yet. Her tumour was still there but the doctor had done more scans and it had surprisingly subdued which meant her life expectancy went from a few months to at least few years which was the reason the doctor was cleared them to continue with the pregnancy. Athena still made sure to have a harsh conversation with Morgan about the reality of their future- being the 'strong one' and the 'pessimistic one' was a role she had forced on herself to avoid getting her hopes up.

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