Honorary beginnings

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"Don't you fucking back chat me!" Athena yelled at Morgan.

"I only said you're doing it wrong! You're going to mess it all up" he rolled his eyes

"I'm doing better than you, idiot- yours aren't even colour coded!" She snapped back and pushed his file on the floor

"Wow- real mature, this is what I get for trying to help you learn how to do your job" he shook his head and picked up his paper from the office floor.

"Can you two stop bickering and just go make out in a closet or something?" Rossi rubbed his head.

"Don't be gross Rossi" Morgan laughed.

"Yeah- if I was going to make out with Morgan anywhere in the office it wouldn't be a closet" Athena teased

"That's not what the gross part of that was" Morgan chuckled.

It had been over a week since Athena had become an official honorary agent, an official member of the team. Her reputation around the office hadn't changed, all the agents were still terrified of her and most still mocked her, a lot of them didn't agree she should be back but she was determined to prove them wrong.

That was until she was introduced to the paperwork.

It had quickly become her mortal enemy. Being a prisoner and then an consultant meant she never had to do any of it before- she just got to do the 'fun' parts of the job. Coming up with theories, chasing unsubs, fighting them- the things she was good at. Hotch had tried to explain it to her a million times over the last week, her orientation week, but it just wouldn't click.

"But why do I have to write that I did that? I know that I did that- I have the broken nose to show I did that" she argued as he tried to explain she had to write down what happened during any altercation on cases.

"Like I said, we need them for the files. If an unsub came out of prison after doing their time and accused you of doing something and we didn't keep the paper work of what exactly happened from everyone then he could sue us" Hotch explained calmly, he was good at explaining things, he liked talking about paper work which angered Athena- she didn't understand how he was so good at it.

"I just don't understand it" she sighed and sat back in her chair; Morgan placed his file back on the desk.

"Maybe if you stopped throwing things around and colour coding useless things then you might" he said.

"Maybe if you shut up you would-" she paused and tried to think of an insult but nothing came out.

"What was that?" Morgan's eyebrow raised with amusement at her struggles to insult him which she was normally very good and quick whited at.

"Just shut up" she frowned playfully and crossed her arms across her chest in frustration.

"You'll get it kid" Rossi patted her shoulder as he walked past "it took me a while to figure it out too."

"How long?" Athena asked.

"What's the date today?" 

"I'm going to become a dinosaur like Rossi before I understand this" she groaned, Rossi laughed at her playful comment.

"Come on- go take a break and then we'll try again" Morgan rubbed her shoulders.

"This is dumb- life was easier when I was a criminal being threatened with murder everyday" she stood up, he chuckled.

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