Home with you

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"Are you almost ready?" Morgan's voice echoed into the hospital bathroom when Athena was re-doing her makeup for the fourth time before they left for his mom's house.

"Can't you just hire someone to pretend to be me?" She half joked back in-between changing her natural lip to a dark satin red one and wiping off her eyeshadow to just leave a simple lid with a small wing of eyeliner at the end of it before puffing up her hair that was freshly washed from the bathroom sink.

It wasn't the most glamorous way she'd ever washed blood out of her hair before but it certainly wasn't the worst.

She had spent most of the day busy getting scans done and followup tests, unable to even think about showering before getting ready in the early evening for his mom's- a visit she was dreading.

She had told Morgan that it was just a general check-up when he was let out of the hospital before her and started asking questions, eventually getting him to leave to go get the clothes she had left at the station.

"It's astounding how many times I've had to say this today-" Morgan laughed as he rounded the corner, "-but I'm not hiring a prostitute to pretend to be you to meet my family."

"You're such a bad boyfriend" she joked, turning just in time to catch him staring in awe at her caramel midi cotton wrap dress with a shirred waist and sleeves that flowed up to her elbows.

It looked like it was made perfectly for her, paired it with a pair of white Nike air forces she had brought on a previous case, ironically with Morgan's old credit card.

"Wow! You look... wow" he couldn't stop gawking at her up and down her, "just... wow!"

"Derek Morgan is speechless? That's a first" she teased before he planted a kiss on her forehead, being met instead with a slap of his arm, "hey! Where are your crutches? You're not meant to be walking without them- you could tear your stitches on your leg, you dumbass."

"Will you ever stop calling me a dumbass?" He rolled his eyes with chuckle, reluctantly taking the crutches that he was being forced to use from her.

"Only when you stop acting like one; so no" she smile, standing on her tip toes to give him a quick peck on the lips before continuing to fix her hair moments before the Xray doctor tapped on the room door.

"Miss Adams? Are you in here?"

"Hiya" Athena suddenly turned, quickly walking past Morgan into the room to greet the doctor at the door, "let's talk out here, be right back!"

The doctor gave her a confused look as she dragged him to the hallway, quickly closing the door and making sure no one else was around.

"Sorry about that- you were saying?" 

"Miss Adams-" 

"Please, call me Athena" 

"Athena, unfortunately the re-scans came back with the same results" he spoke solemnly, surprised at her simple nod of response.

"I think it would be best if you stayed here so we could discuss treatment but you're not from Chicago are you?"

"No, I'm from Ireland but I'm- well I guess I'm from Virginia now, I guess I live there" she rambled, unsure how to take the news, her top priority still somehow was to make sure Morgan couldn't listen in.

"Okay well I know great doctors in Virginia that I can transfer you to who can go over options of occupational, physical and psychological therapy as well as medical treatments to stop the spiral in the first 3 months if those don't work as quickly we hope-"

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