The offer (1)

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"Good morning sleepy head-" 

Morgan's smile radiated across the room as Athena's eyes flicked open on the soft sheets, yawning as she watched him get dressed.

"Morning shit head."

"Charming" he chuckled before doing a double take back at her over his shoulder, "what are you looking at?" 

"Just admiring the view" she teased as she sat up, pulling the covers for warmth.

"I like the new hairstyle" he joked at her messy bed head

"Thanks, I'm thinking this is going to be my new look" she laughed, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to brush it, "what's the time?"

"9am, I'm surprised you're up this early" he teased, "I've never met someone who sleeps as much as you."

"Wait, what time's our flight?"

"About an hour so you should probably roll out of bed at some point soon and get dressed- I think I threw your dress somewhere under the bed last night but in my defence you also threw my trousers on the top of the bookshelf."

"Why didn't you wake me sooner?!" She went to stand up, forgetting the severe lack of clothes she was/wasn't in as a knocking came from the door, "now we're gonna be late and-"

"Knock, knock" Fran called out, opening the door as Athena threw herself back under the covers.


"Come in" Morgan chuckled at his mother standing in the now already open doorway.

"Hello" Athena greeted awkwardly from under the covers.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were asleep- I hope I didn't wake you."

"Whhhat- I've been awake for hours" Athena lied with a yawn that made Morgan laugh.

"You okay mom?" .

"Yes, just come to say breakfast is in 10 minutes."

"Oh thanks mom but I think we have to go to the airport soon, our flight is in an hour."

"Well it takes half an hour to get to the airport so you've got plenty of time to come down for a quick bite- I insist" she smiled as she walked to the door before smiling over her shoulder, "Athena might want to pop some clothes on first though."

"Is there a way to request the earth to swallow me whole now or-" Athena popped her head out of the covers as Morgan let out a laugh before the door burst open again.

"Are my jeans in here?" Sarah yawned, already searching through his things.

"Have you people ever heard of knocking?" Morgan rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, you're too boring to ever do anything in mom's house" she mocked before looking over at the bed, "is she asleep?"

"Uh, yeah, I'll wake her up in a minute- I don't think your jeans are in here."

"Oh sorry- I don't want to wake her" she whispered apologetically and went to leave, she paused at the door and turned back, "what she said to Mindy yesterday was pretty cool, don't tell Desiree I said that."

"The coast is clear" Morgan whispered with a small chuckle at Athena who pulled the covers off her head with a confused grin.

"Did she just call me cool? I couldn't hear much through the duvet."

"Don't let it go to your head."

"Wait, wait, wait- so she doesn't hate my guts?"

"Why would you think that?" 

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