Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens

Start from the beginning

He went to lunge at her, but she moved away, so he positioned himself into a battle stance again before lunging at her again. Though, this time, she didn't move, but the rest of the pod managed to hold him back before he could reach her. He struggled against the grips of the sirens and lashed out furiously while yelling at them.

"Hold him," the siren leader ordered in a firm tone. The other sirens nodded as they held onto Jungkook firmly and tightly to hold him in place. He didn't back down though, he continued to fight against their grips. The siren leader sighed as she approached him and placed her index and middle finger under his chin to lift up his face. "You know, it's too bad that I'll have to kill you now. You're actually quite handsome and I've never had a human man go against me so much like this."

"Go to hell," Jungkook spat as he literally spat in the siren leader's face before clenching his jaw and glaring at her furiously. She clicked her tongue as she wiped off the spit before reaching out and grabbing his face harshly. She held his face so tightly making him hiss in pain. She brought her face closely to his and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Not even Y/N can save you now," she snarled as she let go of his face for a moment before her hand came rushing towards his face. His eyes widened at that as he watched her hand until it finally reached his face. He let out a loud yelp of pain when her nails sank into the skin of his face and ripped through his skin leaving large claw marks across his cheek, eye, and eyebrow. His head moved to the side at the impact and he bit his lip trying to stay strong before looking up and glaring at her. "I'm going to enjoy eating your heart Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook watched as the siren leader's hand moved back to create momentum before rushing towards his chest. He gasped in shock when he felt the siren leader's hand slam into his chest, going right through the skin. He could feel her hand wrapping around his still beating heart. He gulped as he started gasping for air and trying not to show how much pain he was in. He could feel himself becoming weaker and his eyelids became harder to keep open. He looked to the floor. Blood was splattered everywhere and a large puddle circled around him. His warm blood was running down his body. He was losing too much of it. His consciousness beginning to fade and just before the lights went out he could hear the distorted and evil giggles of the sirens.

"Yo! Jungkook! Come on, wake up man!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Jungkook woke from his nightmare and looked up to see his hyungs sitting on his bed next to him and staring at him worriedly. He let out a sigh of relief to know that it was only a dream. Still, he patted his body and looked down at his chest. He sighed again in relief as he let out a lighthearted chuckle.

"I'm alive," he mentioned with a shaky tone as he sat up.

"Yeah, you are. Should you not be?" Namjoon asked in confusion as he raised an eyebrow.

"I just... had a nightmare," Jungkook recalled as he sighed heavily and bit his lip remembering the gruesome scene of his parents dead in the bathtub and the sirens eating his parents' hearts. He shivered at the remembrance and the thought.

"What about?" Seokjin asked curiously, but also concerned at seeing the younger one's grimace.

"Just... the sirens had broken their promise and killed my parents and then killed me," Jungkook answered simply, not wanting to go into great detail as much of the nightmare disturbed him greatly. The other members nodded in understanding and seemingly understanding as well that it was a rather traumatic nightmare.

"Yeah, we're all still a bit worried too," Yoongi commented with a small nod as he crossed his arms over his chest, "We've all been contacting our families and friends to make sure that they're all still alright. It seems those sirens make good on their word and I mean, if they ever break their promise then they better be ready because we'll be coming after them and we won't rest until they're killed as well or end up fried and served in a restaurant."

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