The following day, Darren worked from home, and since I was successful at my hourly activities schedule, he assured me we would walk through the woods together after my lunch. I was a little reluctant, afraid he might find some reason to keep me from the trees, or that he would be looking for a reason. I had to express the importance of this to him; that if he wanted me mentally healthy, I needed a moment of fucking peace.

After my lunch, I paced in front of the back door as I waited for Darren. Dressed in my pink Nikes, white skort, and black tank top, I was beginning to think I'd wear my shoes out before he got here. I kept checking my new watch, watching the seconds tick by agonizingly slow. This was bullshit.

"Ugh, where is he?" I whined to my shadows, throwing my arms out dramatically.

"He'll be here soon, Miss Jaden," Owen replied. "He's handling something right now."

I wanted to break something. I loved how if I was three minutes late for something, I got an ass beating over his knee, but he could take his sweet ass time with whatever the fuck he wanted. I guess that was the highlight of being the boss. Stupid fucker.

An hour and a half later, Darren finally emerged, dressed in dark jeans and a dark maroon button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He didn't usually dress that casual, but when he did, fuck, it was sexy, especially when I could see his tattoos.

"Ready?" he asked me.

Snapping the book I had been reading closed, I rose from the couch, nonchalantly shoved the book in Clive's arms, and headed over to Darren. I tried hard not to glare at him for making me wait so long, but it was difficult to placate my foul attitude. Taking my hand in his, Darren led me outside, leaving Clive and Owen to watch from the windows.

The sun was bright and warm as we walked through the grass, but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. I'd hoped this would go well; otherwise, I didn't know what I was going to do with my life.

Even though he kept me waiting, Darren's demeanor seemed light and carefree, though I knew his guard was still up. My hand still clutched in his, we walked past the hammock and stream, and I released a deep breath.

"Why are you so nervous?" he finally asked me, a smirk hiding in the corners of his mouth.


I huffed again. "I'm afraid you'll find some bullshit reason to take this away from me."

"Mouth," he warned, tightening his grip on my hand. "And I will do whatever is necessary to make sure you're safe."

I scoffed. "This isn't about my safety. This is about your obsessive need to control everything concerning me, including the damn environment."

"And why do you think I need that control?" he asked me.

Good question.

I shrugged. "You tell me."

"Because it's safer that way, Jaden," he replied, halting us so he could stare down at me. "The more I can control, the more likely you will be safe."

"I thought we agreed that sheltering me was a bad idea."

"We never agreed to that. You will be prepared for any type of situation, but I will shelter you from any such potentially harmful situation as best I can." His tone was getting angry, and I didn't need that right now.

"Whatever. I don't want to argue. Just keep in mind this is important to me."

"That's a first," he replied snidely.

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