26. Pied Piper

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As you patiently waited with Jimin for the auror who would bring back Seokjin, your mind wondered who had won the tournament. You didn't feel any prevailing emotion about it.
Is Misha won, you would have been proud and ecstatic to have mentored a Champion.
If she lost, you still felt proud to have gotten her this far, to be associated with her participation. You wondered if Yeonjun had won. How was Yoongi feeling? Months ago, all you cared about was crushing him. Now, none of it mattered. So much had changed.
A loud thud startled both you and Jimin, and you both jumped back, hoisting your wants defensively towards the source of the noise. That's when you recognized your own traits, laying on your bed. Jungkook's body was slowly morphing back to its normal form as he visibly just apparated into the room.

     "Jungkook!" You exclaimed.

     "Are you okay?" he sprung up on his feet, grasping your cheeks with both hands,
      "I was worried sick, I'm sorry I told Yoongi, I couldn't hide it from him..."

Jimin cleared his throat, signaling his presence, as Jungkook didn't seem to have noticed him,
     "Jimin! I'm so sorry, about earlier," he paused and let go of your face, placing one hand on his hip and brushing his curls away from his face with the other -
     "I didn't mean to be such a dick--"

    "It's alright, Jungkook, I am aware of the situation now," Jimin politely smiled.

    "Who won?" You asked.

Jungkook smiled and grasped your shoulder, gently. You could tell by that simple gesture, it wasn't Misha.
     "Misha did amazing. She gave up on the Cup because Yeonjun was in danger, so she chose to aid him rather than winning. The Lightheart girl won."

Warmness filled your heart. Misha behaved as any good witch would: she selflessly aided another rather than herself.

     "I'm glad it went that way," you smiled, thinking 'neither if us won, Yoongi'.

     "We have to head to Seokjin's room, that's where Taehyung will bring him."

     "Taehyung? I thought he wasn't working on the Tournament anymore..." Jimin replied, surprised.

     "He doesn't," Jungkook enlightened you both on his partner’s role,
     "Namjoon tasked him to keep Seokjin, apparently, they have been working together for a while. I'm as surprised as you are."

Jimin seemed a little confused and annoyed, you could tell by the way his nose scrunched.

     "You look good, Y/N," Jungkook whispered as the three of you headed to Seokjin's quarters.

You felt him slide his hand against your lower back, gently pushing you ahead of him.
Jimin knocked on Seokjin's door several times before finally giving up and murmuring "alohomora".
The door unlocked and you all entered, finding yourselves face to face with Taehyung and a very confused Seokjin.

    "Jimin?!" Taehyung gasped.

     "Y/N!" Seokjin muttered,
     "What--is? Who? Hi! Jimin?!" He spoke incoherently, his eyes wandered around the room, each looking in a different direction. He looked both drunk and high.

     "Side effects from the sedative potion Namjoon made me give him," Taehyung justified your friend’s peculiar behavior, 
      "He's been with me all day, it should wear off soon, can you help me get him ready for the Ceremony?"
   "He's not in any state to go, look at him! He can't even stand straight!" You shouted, pointing at Seokjin's shaking legs. Jungkook wrapped Seokjin's arm over his shoulder, helping Taehyung take him to the bed, dropping him on it.
      "I didn't know you worked for Namjoon," Jimin teased Taehyung, though his tone was a masquerade for clear annoyance. It didn’t seem like a joyful reunion. 

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