9. Good day

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End of October


The students of Mahoutokoro had a week of vacation to prepare for the November examinations. The younger students were permitted to go home in this period, some of the older ones decided to stay rather than going to their households - it would definitely be easier to study at school rather than at home. 

You understood them completely: in your own years at Beauxbatons, you preferred remaining at the Academy to study, rather than being home and being pestered by questions about your studies by your parents. 
As a result, the institution felt emptier than usual.

The Triwizard champions barely had over a month to finish preparing for the second task. Nothing seemed to have changed since the end of the first one: Misha spent most of her time studying and practicing various spells with you, while she caught up on her correspondence school-work along with her classmates. Still no clue to advance. You didn't ask the others - you didn't want to pressure her, but you were sure they hadn't figured anything else either.

Hoseok was confident regardless, and he was always so playful... it wasn't easy to get a straight answer from him. So, you had no clue on the advancement of his own champion.
Seokjin didn't seem to talk about the tournament as much as he did in the beginning; instead, he spent more time with Namjoon and Yoongi. The three of them had virtually become inseparable again, spending all their free time as a trio. You wondered what the heck they could be doing. It felt like there was more to their encounters than simply 'catching up'.

You still had some time alone with Seokjin, but he wasn't as talkative, and you didn't want to push, even though you were still curious about his brother - you thought, maybe, he was pissed at you for even asking. But why wouldn't you ask? He was your friend - he could understand your curiosity...
Jimin still hadn't gotten back to you, so you were left completely in dark - which was the most frustrating experience in your book.  You made a point of passing in that hall of pictures, to observe Seokjin's brother. You knew magical pictures could have a little free-will, or at least, they reflected the image, thoughts and beliefs of the person at the time of when the photograph was taken. 
So, naturally, you'd asked questions...

'Who are you? why aren't you smiling? do you get along with your brother?' But he ignored you, completely - each time, scrutinizing you instead. He really was identical to Seokjin. The only real difference was the color of his hair, blonde, lighter than your friend’s. And his aura. Something about his aura felt wrong. Un-natural. 

You even asked Seokjin's own picture: 'What's his secret?'  But Seokjin's image only responded by teasing, laughing around with his friends - with the mind of a teenager: 'Why do you care? Who are you? Do you like me?' while younger versions of Yoongi and Namjoon bragged about girls and good grades around him. It was all very, very frustrating. 

Almost as frustrating as the lack of play-time you had gotten with Yoongi. He seemed distant as well. He didn't avoid you, but it was obvious that his mind was set on something of great importance. He was distracted in his thoughts; he didn't even lay his eyes on you playfully during meals. It didn't seem to be related to you, though. You didn't believe you could actually be that important to him, important enough to make him mad or anything like that... and it's not like you'd done anything anyways. Maybe, certainly... it had to do with whatever was going on between him, Namjoon and Seokjin.

Jungkook kept seeing you, here and there between his rounds and your time off, usually at night. As you had agreed, nothing had happened between you - he just came to spend some time, chat, have a drink and he'd be on his way. It was pleasant having him around. Different. 

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