11: Human vs Monarch (End of SL Arc)

Start from the beginning

"And it happens anytime, correct? No matter the size, it can be yours to command?"

"Yes. Most of it though. As a dead body has aged for hours, the chances of it being revived are lowered than they are. If the body's been decaying for centuries... kiss that revival goodbye." Ethan gained this information by speaking to the Monarch himself, a brief explanation before ghosting him "I confessed. Why not speak of another topic you have been wanting to share-?"

"Am I attractive?"

Hoo, shit. That was very quick ~(Ethan)

"... maybe." He answered truthfully "are you attractive towards Issei? Most definitely. Me? It's a 10%. I only find you attractive due to your~ elegance."

"Oh, why thank you."

Rias found it quite new that this praise is not something perverted she is quite used to, with this coming up she realized what her heart truly wants - just a smidge of it although. This is not sudden. The process can be slow but the result will be satisfying.

"Ethan... what type of girls do you prefer?" She asked, coming up with a plan in a midst

"To be fair... I just want to be in a loving relationship with a girl... but then again, if one of them has a tail... it be nice." He says, pouring out the truth "my type of girls... welp. As long as I know them, then I'll gladly take 'em for a date"

"May I ask who's most likely to enter a relationship with you?"

"Um... this is hard. I know Xenovia, You, Asia, Akeno, Irina and... possibly you five have fallen for Issei. I am left with nothing in this group." Ethan felt a little dejected on the inside, senses a slight pain in his heart

Why do I feel... upset with myself? ~(Rias)

"All that is left is Kuroka, Tsubaki, Alyssa, Sona-"

"Wait, Sona? You're close with Sona?"

"Of course. She's nice, and treats me more as a little brother, plus never forgets me. She always makes time for me and her peerage. Most likely we've bumped into each other before during my 1st year and saw the old me adorable enough to be adopted. Sona taught me more recipes when it comes to lunch and dinner, hands me food whenever I set out for my job, and calls me over to get to know her peerage more often. I'm more comfortable being around Sona than you to be honest... I thought you just never wanted to spend your free time with a human. Maybe devils only find other devils more cunning than a bland human."

No, don't. Please don't ~(Rias)

"It's okay to ignore me, just focus on what's important." Now that he confessed, believe there's no more to drag on this conversation anymore "if you need to, just blatantly say I am no use to you anymore, and that you wish to release me. I've grown completely used to being ignored by someone."

"Wait, Ethan!" It was too late, Ethan disappeared behind that door ".... damnit! I can't keep this up... he really will be gone if I don't do something."

She better hurry, the road for cutting off ties is not that far. If she continues, she is only leading herself and others towards a shortcut. Ethan will truly be gone from their memories, nothing but a fragment in their minds, it will just become a blur. Best move is cutting off her meetings and handle paperwork a lot faster if she needs Ethan to stay by her side.

Next Day

Ethan shifted in his bed as he slowly started to wake up. Usually the view from Issei's room was gloomy and dark as it overlooked one of Issei's desk, but as his head moved along his pillows, Ethan noticed that the room was much brighter than before and the sudden flash made Elms hide himself into his pillow. The new lights in Issei's room weren't the only things different as he realized something was strange about his pillow as well, in fact Ethan's whole bed felt different than before. Ethan carefully opened his eyes to let them get used to the light and realized what was wrong with the bed.

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