8: a day of rest? nope!

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It's entirely up to you who you wanna become. But all we ask is not to go crazy ~(Ian)

Raynare, what do you think? ~(Ethan)

She barked in his Shadow. When he first extracted The Shiba-inu, it was just a little pup left to defend itself, now the dog grew stronger physically and mentally, making herself become the size of a grizzly bear thanks to becoming a knight. The system stated naming a Shadow can't be unlocked until they reached Elite-Knight or above which is a good thing.

"O-oi! Issei!" Kiba cries as soon as Issei rushed out the door

"Why'd he run away?"

"Ah. My fault to be exact. It sure was strange for me to propose on protecting Issei from any danger. I better go apologize."

"If I were in his position, I also would've mistaken it like he did." Ethan's gym uniform fitted high tightly due to muscles and height "....damn....didn't thought about this one."

"Wait. How'd you do gym then?"

"...I asked the teacher if I can use my own clothes...yeah...."

"Never have you put on your gym uniform since your transformation? Weirdo."

"Says the one who vouched on protecting Issei and everyone else. Huh, blondie!"

Issei immediate busted inside the room, screaming as his left arm is ugly. Like his skin had a defect since the day he was born.


"A side effect!!"


Issei's screaming, Ethan's screaming, Kiba's screaming, the trio's lungs sure do have a lot of capacity to scream like that.


"WAIT!!! STEP BACK!! I'M ABOUT TO DO SOME...MAGIC!!" What Elms meant to say is: 'I'm pouring my health potion!'

"...ho...ho.....holy crap....it's good as new...Ethan, you sonuvabitch." Issei repaid Ethan by giving him a hug

"MAGIC!!" His hands went all 'jazz hands'

More ORC members barged in, questioning what was all the commotion about that made Ethan scream. Elms replied with a question on why and when did Issei's left hand suddenly started to turn like a dragon, making Rias sigh and answer it only began when Hyodo summoned all the power the Welsh dragon had to offer, but having a drastic side effect.

"Issei you fucking idiot." Said Ethan, glaring daggers at him

"It was either them or Kokabiel destroying the town!"

"....could've you at least just contacted me?"

"Tried. But your phone wouldn't pick up."


Do instant dungeon cause my phone to block out signals? ~(Ethan)

So that's what I needed to mention ~(Ian)

Yes. But you can still operate it...deeming your phone more like a tablet ~(Elle)

Akeno expresses a look of sadness.

"What's with the face?" Rias asked

"Issei...you should've ran towards me so I can suck out the energy you had. We maybe could advance to the next level."

There's a fine line between emotions you should never come across, those being anger, dejection, sadness, gloomy, and annoyance. When hearing Akeno say she and Issei could do naughty stuff if his hand retained that overflow, a sword or anything sharp pierced Ethan's heart, becoming angered with Akeno. Confessing his love for her and being rejected, he much respected her decision and gladly hoped they could remain friends. Akeno had no intention on falling in love with a boy from the very beginning, but to hear her flirting with him and making bold remarks in Ethan's presence sure puts a slap to the face. Seeing Rias and Asia fight over Issei is no issue since no harms were being caused. It's love. To his disposal, the pool is in need of cleaning.

The Path To The Strongest (DxD) [Side Project, Slow Updates]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon