➵ soulkeeper

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The days pass before they are noticed. Legolas is given back his bow and quiver, and the ships begin to arrive on the shore.

Farriel has left Nînthel's side temporarily to see them off, and her eyes speak of sadness and sorrow. She lays a soothing hand on Ulvinowyn's head and then Gimli's, knowing they will be dead before they are allowed a return. She then dips her head to Legolas in gratitude, a salute to his mercy towards life, and walks away.

Longil asks Ulvinowyn to stay, but her request is declined. The cat wants to sail with Gimli just as much as Legolas does, and she is first to board the ship. Behind her are two elves, Tinnuir and Faerthurindir, and then Elu himself, who has insisted on abandoning his new post as head commander to see them off.

"Ulvinowyn," Longil asks once more, "Food here is plentiful. There is much space to be free and to roam. We honor you like a lord. Must you leave?"

But the cat says she must stay with the dwarf, and the dwarf says he must stay with the cat.

"Very well," Longil replies. "The two of you are welcome back to our lands whenever you are taken to it. As for you, Legolas, you have a century to stay away. Although I am grateful for your discoveries and your spirit, I hope you will not show until then. You have caused quite the deal of mischief."

Legolas nods. "I understand and honor it, Adaneth."

The Lady leaves the harbor, and they are left alone to take sail. Gimli has taken a pebble from inside one of the stone huts to keep in his pocket. He'd like to play pebbletoss again, of course, and would like to remember where it was that he loved it most.

Elu finds Legolas looking over the water on the edge of the ship, and he stands next to him, his long, tied-back hair being brushed by the wind in the sea.

"You must return, you know," he pleads quietly. "You are a good soul."

Legolas looks at the waves as the ship gains speed. The smell of salt is heavy beneath them now, drifting up from the waves. "Are we souls, Elu?" he asks, and the elf next to him tips his head in questioning.

"What is it you mean?"

"I may never leave this body," Legolas replies. "In fact, I never will without the guarantee of being reincarnated into it again." He looks out into the open sky and feels the shell hanging over his chest, knowing that, even if he had died in battle, he still wouldn't know death the way his mortal friends have and will. "Are immortals still keepers of souls?"

Elu only smiles and looks out over the sea. "No matter how often one is recycled," he assures him, laying his hand on his shoulder, "all life has a spirit, Legolas. And yours is especially bright."

The water sings.

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