➵ hanging the bow

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Nînthel, upon hearing of what Legolas claims the kudu sang in explanation for how they can teach them to replace their oryxes, does not take the news well.

In fact, she is not interested nor delighted to hear that this is something possible; she is more set on the fact that the elf went against her word at all.

"Cin glenndan nin peth?" she accuses sternly. "You go against my word? You go out of sleeping grounds past nightfall when I order you specifically not to?"

"Im had na. I nen sung na nin," Legolas replies. "I had to. I was called by the water."

But Nînthel, who does not believe that water was capable of elfspeak, or any form of communication, turns away in anger and suspicion. Her long hair drips behind her like a fall.

"You intentionally went against my orders of security when you aren't yet a trusted individual," she continues. "We do not know where your loyalty resides. You could be plotting against us."

"I speak to the wildlife. I come from peaceful lands," Legolas attempts to assure her. "I would not wish harm against my own kind."

Nînthel bares her teeth in his direction. She is feisty and quick to decide on her judgment, which reminds him of a friend of his from Mirkwood not a century ago. "You are barely our kind. You are otheren, and we do not know you well enough to know you are safe." She takes a breath and begins to pace. "You may be able to make these decisions in the woods of your own home, but you are not a prince here, Legolas. Shfashara is not a place where you rule. Going against my word is going against my ruler's word, and going against Lady Longil is waging war against our own lands."

Legolas would feel much heavier about this if he wasn't wearing a shell around his neck. "Im buicin. I am assisting you," he says once more. "I know now how to train the kudu. Why do you not listen?"

"Do not leave our bounds again until I have spoken with Lady Longil," Nînthel replies dismissively. "Betrayal by refugees can sometimes be dealt with by banishment. Or death."

She then hurries off, leaving Legolas on his own by the front gate in the morning sun, and Elu listening closeby with a somber gaze on his features. When eventually he approaches, he asks Legolas for his weapons, and regretfully hangs them on the wall again where he can once more not touch them.

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