Chapter 29: Peace

Start from the beginning

Sesshomaru glanced back as well, before looking forward once more as Jakotsu groaned before slowly lifting his head.

"Up close like this?" Jakotsu said with a slight smirk, even through his voice laced with pain. "You really are attractive."

The undead man chuckled as he looked up at Sesshomaru, finishing in a deadly voice: "Nice try but no luck. We cannot be slain like normal mortals."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, while Rin cried out in fear: "Lord Sesshomaru!"

"Silence, girl." Suikotsu began, lifting his hand to strike Rin, when a long knife suddenly came flying through the air and cut him right through the arm above Rin's head.

"ARGH!" He instinctively pulled his hand back, reaching to clutch his injured arm, just as a voice called sharply: "Rin, run!"

"Yuki!" Rin gasped, before she did as she was told, fleeing away from the undead bandits.

"What?!" Jakotsu snarled as she glared up in surprise at the figure who'd appeared by the boulder above where Suikotsu was kneeling.

He couldn't see clearly, but the half-demon looked... different somehow. She was missing something...

Sesshomaru's eyes also flickered over, a hint of concern and irritation filling them as Yuki wobbled just slightly on her unsteady leg. She ignored it as best as she could, however, as Suitkotsu ripped Kiba from where it was imbedded in his arm, as well as Tokijin from his chest, letting the blood pour out as he got to his feet menacingly.

"Why you, wench!"

He leapt up with a yell to where Yuki was before she could even move; in her injured state there was no way she could escape, and nowhere she could hide.

Yuki yelped as Suikotsu grabbed her by the front of her shirt, dragging her up to be level with his face as he lifted his claws while he said with an insane smile: "You'll pay for that. The idiot doctor's too scared to come out now because of my injuries, and the urge to kill is flowing through me!"

Yuki growled and made to lift Tsume in her other hand, but Suikotsu had been anticipating her second attack. He easily swiped the sword aside, knocking it out of Yuki's weak human grip, and then lifted his claws above his head, ready to bring it down on Yuki.

Sesshomaru instantly pulled his claws from Jakotsu, turning sharply and starting for Yuki, but Jakotsu shouted triumphantly: "You fool! It's too late to save her!"

"Die!" Suikotsu shouted as he started to bring his claws down towards Yuki's chest.

She tensed, closing her eyes and bracing herself for her death, knowing there was no way even Sesshomaru could reach her in time. Not this time.

'Sesshomaru!' She thought.

Suddenly, there was a whoosh, a burst of pink light and a dull thunk paired with a surprised gasp. Yuki opened her eyes in shock to see an arrow sticking out of Suikotsu's neck, and she turned to see Sesshomaru had paused as well.

And behind him, bow still held in place, was Kikyo.

Yuki stared, stunned by the sight of the undead priestess. Kikyo had clearly just arrived in a hurry – she was still on horseback, and seemed a little breathless though her eyes were cold and determined as she stared at Suikotsu.

Yuki was startled out of her shock - and she let out a squeak - as Suikotsu started to fall backwards down the slight incline they'd been on, his grip on her pulling her down with him. Sesshomaru was there in an instant, breaking Suikotsu's weakened grip on Yuki's shirt so he could hold Yuki against him while he landed back on solid ground and carefully keeping her hidden from Jakotsu's view as Suikotsu skid to a halt on his back.

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