Chapter 20: Connection

Start from the beginning

And sure enough, Sesshomaru turned back to the front, saying: "Do as you wish, then."

'Thank the Heavens.' Yuki thought to herself, almost sagging in relief as Sesshomaru disappeared into the trees as he was wont to do when they settled for an evening. Since he would always return before Yuki would be asleep, she didn't pay his absence any mind as she fetched Rin and collected firewood for a quick makeshift camp.

The child was so happy to be able to sleep properly, that as soon as Yuki had rolled the spare robe onto the earth, Rin had collapsed onto it and fallen asleep. Yuki chuckled as Jaken also yawned widely, taking up a seat near the fire as he too closed his eyes. He was snoring almost instantly, and Yuki smiled as she turned to make sure they were safe for the moment before lying down beside Rin.

She looked up as she sensed Sesshomaru's return, and she met his emotionless gold eyes across the fire. Nodding to him in acknowledgement and in thanks, Yuki lay down, cradling Rin automatically as the child snuggled against her, and before long, she too was asleep.


"Ah~ my love, til the day that I fall," Rin sang as they travelled on again the next day, "Deep in sleep that will be eternal. Let your smile be my comfort and guide... let that smile always be by my side."

Yuki smiled as the child hummed and sang as she pranced about beside A-Un while they walked behind Sesshomaru. The prior night's rest had done them all good – Rin was cheerful again, Yuki was feeling well rested and ready for the day, and even Jaken was in a better mood.

Yuki had feared – in the morning – that Sesshomaru might be annoyed at their delay, but even he seemed content as they travelled.

'Probably because Rin is in a better mood.' Yuki thought fondly.

She was sorely tempted to ruffle Sesshomaru's hair, as she often did with Inuyasha when he was being adorable in her opinion. Thankfully, she wisely kept both her hands and her ideas to herself. The last thing she needed was to also be missing an arm because Sesshomaru ripped it out for impudence.


Yuki looked over as Rin dashed over, the child asking: "What were the last lines to the song again?"

Yuki smiled, and she sang: "Oh~ how we took the long winding path."

"Ah~ but look now and see where we are." Rin sang with her, remembering the words at Yuki's prompting.

Yuki smiled, as Rin finished happily, her happy child's voice so bright and cheery for the somewhat sorrowful song.

The made her remember Izayoi, and the circumstances that had led to her teaching Yuki the song in the first place. Yuki fell into thought, losing herself momentarily in the memories as she walked automatically beside A-Un and Rin.


Yuki broke out of her thoughts, startled, and glanced at Rin again.

"Yes?" She asked, and Rin said in concern: "You weren't answering for a while. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Yuki reassured.

She realized Rin must have been speaking while she'd zoned out, and she explained: "I was just thinking."

"Of what?" Rin wondered, and Yuki explained sheepishly: "About the meaning of that song, and the story behind it."

"Oh." Rin said thoughtfully. "Well, what was it?"

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