You know, I'm really going to give Beast what for the next time I see him. This would be so much easier if we had cellphone access, Uma thought with a small sigh.

Mal nodded and turned back to face her father. "Right. Dad, sorry to be blunt but that's what's going on. I need the ember."

Hades held up his hand, trying desperately to keep a hold on his temper at the thought of both his kids being in danger. "Hold on, rewind please. Mal I'm sorry but did you say Sleeping Beauty's daughter has Maleficent's scepter? How did she—?"

"Evil intent dad," Mal said, more than a little frustrated with the questioning. "Remember? Only people related to Maleficent by blood or those with evil in their hearts can lift the Dragon's scepter."

"And she's partnered with Freddy Frollo?"

"Yeah, we still haven't figured that one out."

"In all honesty I'm not that surprised," Hades muttered. "From what I've heard about that boy, and from what you've told me about Sleeping Beauty's daughter, they almost seem like a perfect match for each other. Despite you know how that boy feels about those he calls 'witches'."

"Yeah well with Audrey having the scepter, it's the closest thing to a 'witch' Freddy's going to get," Mal muttered.

"He could grow to like her," Uma mused.

"Oh Gods, now that's terrifying," Mal shuddered. "Audrey and Freddy?"

"Hey, mutual hate of you and who else would put up with him? Even Shayla and Locklyn would get bored of him at some point, Morgan at least has a brain because she never fought the other two for a chance to have another fling with Freddy and Brooke's too young to even think about stuff like that."

"While true and an excellent point, it does not take away from the terrifying aspect of the pairing. Never mention it again!" Mal exclaimed and then turned to her dad. "Dad? I hate to grab and run but kinda on a time crunch. Ember please?"


"Dad, Audrey's after Ben right now. You know, my fiancé? The guy who risked his life to keep Freddy from taking over Auradon and throwing me in the water at Cotillion? I'd like to prevent Audrey from harming him so yeah. Kinda need that ember!"

Hades sighed but went over to the den where the ember was on its stand. Grabbing it, he walked back to Mal. "You know it won't work for you. Not completely. And if it gets wet, it's game over."

"I know dad," Mal sighed as Hades handed her the ember. "But it's better than nothing and with Audrey having the Dragon's scepter, it's the best thing we've got. We know we can't count on Olympus to do anything but keep Hadie safe."

"And honestly the jury's still out on that one," Uma muttered. She knew Demeter would protect Hadie without question, but Zeus? Hera? Those were still up in the air.

Hades sighed and pulled Mal into a hug. "Be safe okay?"

"I will dad," Mal promised, smiling slightly as he rubbed her back and held her close, like she would vanish if he let her go. But that was how his hugs always were, especially after she had been an idiot back when she was six after Hadie was born.

Gods I can't believe I ever thought dad had Hadie to replace me, she thought with an inward sigh as she returned the hug. Then again, six year old me did have years of living with the Dragon and only months of living with dad.

"You don't always have to be the one to make sure Hadie's safe," Hades whispered and Mal looked up at him. "That job belongs to me and your mom."

"What kind of a sister or Captain would I be if I just let Hadie wander about while Freddy's on the prowl? Besides dad, Hadie's an Auradon citizen. He always was being from the Isle but now it's official. As future Queen, he's my responsibility," Mal said softly. "Plus, like I said, with Freddy and Audrey out there, armed with the Dragon's scepter...I don't want anything happening to him."

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