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My eyes flutter open as I stretch my arms over my head. Feeling the familiar pop in my spine, I sigh in relief as I kick the covers off of me. A smile rests on my face feeling the weight lift off my chest knowing that Dax is coming home today.  

He's coming back to me. 

I get myself together before I go over and take a shower. After brushing my teeth and getting my wet hair up in a messy bun, I walk over to the closet wrapped in a towel and start going through clothes.  I settle on a white crop top along with a purple flannel and black skinny jeans with my combat boots. 

I walk into the kitchen fully dressed, seeing Maddox pouring himself some coffee. 

"Good Morning" I say, flashing him a smile. His eyes dart over to me as he gives me a short nod. I reach for a bowl along with the Captain Crunch cereal box. 

"Pass me the milk?" I asked him as I poured cereal inside the hollow bowl. He hummed as he turned around and pulled out the milk from the fridge.  Handing it over to me, our fingers touched but I ignored it as I continued paying attention to my food. 

"Going for Daxon already?" He asked as he took a sip from his mug. I nodded as I shoved a spoonful inside my mouth. He looked away from me, down onto the floor as he continued to sip quietly. 

"Jennifer, I wanted to apologize........about everything" He said as he set his mug down on the counter besides him. I stopped chewing as I licked my lips nodding with a shrug. 

"Me too." I say as I swallowed. He stared at me in silence before nodding. 

"We should tell Dax" He whispers. My eyes widen as I shake my head. Fear of losing Daxon for good clenched around my heart as I took a step closer to him. 

"We can't. It'll break him completely, I don't want to keep this from him either Maddox but I can't risk losing him" I say, reasoning with him. 

"If he finds ou-"

"He won't because we're not going to say shit" I say firmly, cutting him off. He ignored me as he continued to speak over me. 

"If he finds out it's going to be way worse for both of us. Trust me"

I exhaled as I shook my head, entangling my fingers together. My eyes darted down to the floor before meeting his eyes again. 

"Please don't do this to me Maddox. Promise me, you won't hurt me this way" I begged.  

He stayed silent as his jaw clenched. I continued to plead with my eyes as he stood still.  After minutes of silence he nodded before grabbing his mug and placing it in the sink. I stared at his back as he walked down the hall. 

Stopping mid way he turned his head to the side, the same way I did to him when he apologized for making me cheat on Dax. 

"It didn't mean anything" He said before turning around to fully face me. I nodded before he turned back around and walked into his room. 

But not before I caught a glimpse of rejection flashing through his eyes. 

I pulled into the parking lot  as I tapped my fingers anxiously against the steering wheel.  My heart beat raced as I thought about clutching Dax against me again. From the corner of my eye, I see Maddox stare at me as I smiled. Playing it off, I bite down on my lower lip with my front teeth. 

I practically sped walk into the Center with Maddox walking close behind me.  Ruby smiled pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose once she saw us.

Ruined ll Book 1Where stories live. Discover now