Old Friends

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"Mom, where are you?" I paused as I switched the phone to my right ear. 

"Please call me back. I'm just...." I paused again as I nibbled on my thumbnail. I stayed silent for a second as my mind raced with the memory of me screaming at her. I left with Maddox and I was so pissed off at her that I didn't even say goodbye. 

She's doing this to get back at me. 

"I'm worried Ma. I'm sorry about the things I said to yo-"

If you are satisfied with your recorded message, press One. To delete this message, press Two. 

I looked down at my phone with a frown. Pressing one, I sent my mom the voicemail as I lift myself up from sitting on the porch. This is the third voicemail I've sent already. I started to pace back and forth as I chewed on my bottom lip. 

"Why can't you see that he wants nothing to do with you anymore? "

"You're only hurting yourself. Why can't you see that I'm here for you."

"He didn't fix you.....he broke you even more"

"He ruined you."

I exhaled loudly, puffing out my cheeks as my steps became quicker. Laying a hand against my forehead, I search the ground as if something would magically appear and solve my problems. 

"You were never invisible to me." 

I let out a strangled sound as I stopped walking. Clutching my arms around myself, I drew in a foggy breath. 

"Give him up" I whispered to myself. 

"That way he did to me."

"No" I said, answering myself. I shake my head. 

"I can't give him up because he's only hurting too right? I mean he has to be, some of it had to be real" I say as I began a conversation with myself. 

"He's with McKenzie because he's only hurt, he'll leave her after he begins to feel better" I lied to myself.


I quickly turn around and squinted my eyes, trying to see past the dark. A dark figure appears leaning against the lamp post in the distance, watching me. My eyes widen as I take a step back, closer to the house wall.  The dark figure turned into three shadows as they began to walk towards me. 

"Remember me?" I hear the shadow say, once it was a few feet away.  I shook my head as I made my hands into a fist, eyeing the other two.

"Let me help."  I hear before seeing the shadow step under the streetlamp. 

The first thing my eyes land on is the scar that laid at the edge of his forehead, running to his temple. Lowering down, I see a phoenix tattoo on his neck.  He gives me a small smirk as my jaw fell open. 

"Fenix!" I shouted as I hurriedly made my way off the porch. His smile widens as he opens his arms before I ran into him, he held me tightly against his hard chest. I inhaled his scent, making me instantly relax. 

"I know I've been away for a while but believe me when I say, the last time I saw you" He paused as I squeezed him tighter. 

"I don't remember you talking to yourself."

I let out a small chuckle as we pulled away from each other. My smile instantly dissolved as my vision settled on the two other shadows behind Fenix. Looking behind him, he waves them forward. 

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