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I helped Maddox set up the dinner table as he walked over to the oven and pulled out the hot plate of Lasagna. 

Sitting down,  I see him place it in the middle of the table before pulling off the oven mitts and sitting at the opposite end.  I swallowed, feeling his penetrating stare on me. 

"Dax showed up?" He asked me as he took a sip of his Red Bull. I nodded as I stared at the untouched Lasagna. 

"Hungry?" He asked me as he reached for the knife and started cutting it in squares. I nodded again as I offered my plate up for him. He gently placed a square of the cheesy food before placing one on his plate for himself also.  

"So how is he? Does he look any better?" He asked me as he shoved a fork full of Lasagna in his mouth. I slowly nodded as I gulped. 


"I have to go" I say, hearing the intercom announce visiting hours are now over. I see Dax frown as he gives me a short nod. My bottom stayed planted on the chair and my legs didn't dare to move a muscle. 

"I'll miss you" He says, giving me a short smile. I scoffed as I nodded, giving the air a kiss.  

"Miss you more, broken boy" I say, winking. He chuckled as he shook his head. 

"Is that your new nickname for me? Broken boy?" He asked with a small grin. I shook my head, my grin faltering. 

"No. But even if it was, you're my broken boy." I say quietly. He blew me a kiss as he continued to stare me. 

"Do me a favor yeah?" He asked as the male nurse stood behind him. I nodded as he stood up. 

"Don't tell Maddox about what I did in here. He'll hate me even more than he does already" He says frowning before hanging up the phone. 

I quickly stood up hanging my own as I nodded.  He picked up his hand, showing me his healed tattoo before pointing at it. 

'I love you'  He mouthed. 

He turned around with the nurse walking besides him, out of my sight.  

--End of Flashback-- 

"Clean and sober" I say, chuckling before shoving food inside my mouth. I chewed slowly, trying to buy time.  Glancing up at him, I see him suspiciously eye me as he took another chug of his drink. 

"Go out with me?" He asked randomly. I furrowed my eyebrows as I shook my head confused by his statement. 

"What?" I asked puzzled. 

"Be my girlfriend" He said bluntly as he picked the food around his plate. My fork slipped from my hand, chattering against the glass plate. He lifted his gaze up from his food, staring at me confused. 

"I'm sorry" I say, shaking my head as I picked up my fork. I chuckled nervously. 

"For a second I thought you said to be your girlfriend" I say shaking my head. I shove another fork filled inside my mouth before glancing at him.  He nodded his head at me, placing his arms on either side of his plate. 

"I said that."

My blood pressure dropped as I stopped chewing, staring at him wide eyed. I quickly swallowed before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 

"Why would you ask me that?" I asked, disorientated. He sighed before looking down at his plate in silence. I reached for the water bottle in front of me as I stared at him.  I slowly uncapped it before taking a chug, while my free hand pushed my plate aside. 

Ruined ll Book 1Where stories live. Discover now