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"What about this one?" Ruby asked me as she held up a white cardigan against her chest.  I shrugged my shoulders as I continued to browse through clothes.  I hear her huff before placing it back on the hook. 

"Jennifer, are you alright? You've been acting kinda strange these past couple weeks" She asked me as she stared at me worriedly from the opposite side.  I nodded and shrugged my shoulders again. 

Her phone vibrates in her pocket causing me to lift my gaze up from the clothes. I see her slip it out and read the message she received. Her eyebrows furrowing as she looks over to me. 

"Maddox wants to know where you are, Where are you?" She asked as she started typing. I scratched my cheekbone as I continued to browse. 

"Reggie's Bakery" I say absentmindedly.  From the corner of my eye, I see her nod as she started typing in my answer. 

"So what's with you and Maddox?" She asked as she slipped her phone into her bag. My eyes darted over to hers as I thought for an answer. 

"He's always hitting me up, looking for you. Are you hiding from him or something?" She questioned as she leaned on a hip. I shook my head, ignoring her question. 

Cheating on Dax was a mistake and it haunts me every night. After that one dinner and the outcome in the shower, I've been hanging out more with Ruby to get out of the house. I've been walking on eggshells while I'm home around him, not even bothering to give a glance his way. 

Because shame runs through me.  

"Hello? Earth to Jenni" Ruby says, snapping her fingers in my face. I blink away my daze as I look back up to her. 

"Jesus, you've been eyeing that thong for hours" She says, sarcastically. I shake my head as I walk over to her side. 

"So what happened between you and Maddox?" I asked as she furiously typed into her phone. She looked up to me and blushed. 

"Nothing" She says, quietly. I pierced my lips as I snatch her phone away and start reading her messages between her and the person she was messaging who just happened to be  Maddox. 

"Jennif-" She cuts herself off as she reaches out to grab her phone. I quickly dash over to the other side of the rack and rolled my lips. 

"Ruby, are you sexting with Maddox!?" I shrieked as I threw her phone over to her. She swiftly catched it as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.  

"No" She lied. A chuckle echoed out of me as I reached up covering my mouth. I see her turn into a  bright tomato as she shook her head and continued to text her reply. 

"Why don't you guys date already?" I asked annoyed as my eyes fell onto a chained belt. 

"Are you kidding me? Jennifer he's 17" She huffed out. 

"His birthday is in two days, Dax is getting released tomorrow" I snapped my fingers as an idea popped in my head. 

"We can do a double date" I gleamed. She huffed as she looked away. 

"Jennifer, he's a kid" 

"So" I said shrugging, she shakes her head as she fumbles with the strap of her messenger bag. 

"He's going to be eighteen in two days or one if you don't count the day of his birthday" I say counting with my fingers.  She continued to shake her head. 

"I like him, I really do but......people talk" She said, quietly. I narrowed my eyes at her as I scrunched up my face. 

"Why the fuck should you care what people sa-"

Ruined ll Book 1Where stories live. Discover now