Chapter Twenty-eight: Simon Says

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♢Third P. O. V.♡

Somewhere in the city, the tv is open showing the live broadcast of TVi studio with 'The Challenge' on the air. Alec, the host introduces the contestant. "Welcome back to everyone's #1 live game show: The Challenge! Let's give it up for our awesome contestant, Nino!"

The said boy is introduced standing on the stage. "So Nino, you're a student and a DJ. That's pretty awesome! Check out the decks we got for you! So, the challenge the viewers have chosen for you is... To get the mayor of Paris, André Bourgeois, to dance!" The camera shows the mayor himself. "Thank you for agreeing to play with us today, sir. What are Nino's chances tonight?"

André replies to the host with a sure answer. "Zero. I despise dancing. The last time I set foot on a dance floor, Madonna was in kindergarten."

Hawk Moth, in his lair, finds the concept of The Challenge to be interesting, as the TV show has the potential to cause negative emotions.

At the TVi studio (Name) chuckles seeing the Mayor moving his head to the beat. The girl is beside Adrien along with her two little sisters.

Simon Grimault arrives and tries to shake Adrien's hand, but Adrien's bodyguard shields the boy along with the sisters and stands protectively in front of him. Adrien is shocked at his bodyguard's behaviour. "No! It's okay!"

At the stage Alec announces Nino's victory. "Victory! Challenge conquered by Nino. You moved your head to the beat, Mayor Bourgeois! That counts as dancing!"

André Bourgeois stands there, shocked at this revelation so he tries finding a way to cover it up. "What?! That's not true! My neck was... itching, that's all."

"Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing, too! Nino, congratulations. You'll return in one week to meet your next challenge! And now, for our next contestant, welcome Simon Grimault!"

Adrien and (Name) goes to meet Nino, who comes back from the stage congratulating him for his win. "Awesome, dude!"

While the two were congratulating their friend, Alec interviews the next contestant. "Mr. Grimault, you are a hypnotist. You use cards to hypnotize people to get what you want from them!"

"Well, yes, I'm a hypnotist. But, uh, I don't use my skills to get anything." Simon explains.

"So, your challenge today, Simon, is to use your talents to bring a very elusive celebrity to this very TV set! Give it up for the king of fashion, Gabriel Agreste!"

They contact the king of fashion and he answers with an annoyed tone. "What is this show? I was told this was an interview."

"Do your thing, Grimault, let's see if you can bring Mr. Agreste here with your hypnotic persuasion!"

Madeline beside her sisters, shakes her head with a frown. "That's not how hypnosis work..."

"I told you, I don't make people-"

"Ha! A shy hypnotist! How funny is that, Gabriel?"

"Hilarious. Your show is pathetic. And so is your contestant. Control me? Never." And with that Gabriel ends the transmission.

"Looks like Mr. Agreste has turned on your challenge. Game over!" Alec disqualifies the hypnotist who refuses his loss.

"But... that's not fair! I didn't even get time to..." Before he can say more, Simon is lead off the stage.

'(Name), prepare yourself.' Mirva telepathically says causing (Name) to turn to her sisters in worry that they might get involved.

"Madeline, Matilda, why don't you go home for now." She smiles at them as they look at her with confused faces and then as if knowing what's going to happen, they nod.

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