I Don't Belong In This Town.

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"Not drinking that? It's gonna get cold."

Noticing that my shivers still haven't calmed down, the boy drapes his jacket over me. Embarrassed, I look away and play with the neck of his jacket.

"Err...Sorry about your coat. Are you sure you're not cold?"

The boy smiles at me and speaks. "I'm fine. But aren't you forgetting something?"


"It's fine. You can wear the coat home."

"I don't know when I'll be able to give it back, ya know."

The boy smiles a genuine smile, and my heartbeat quickens. 

"This is our 3rd time meeting, so I'm sure we will meet again."

Feeling indebted, I ask. Do you live nearby?

"No," he replies, I don't belong in this town. I'm just wandering around because there's something I must do no matter what."

Gripping onto the canned drink, I direct my gaze towards the ground and sigh.

"Me too. I don't have anywhere I belong."

 Even that app I used didn't last. 

"In the end, anywhere I go, my true self is not accepted."

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