Don't Get Involved In Painful Things Pt 2.

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The man pushes me onto the bed. Getting on top of me, he begins to choke me. 

"What a good face your making. Don't worry; I'll make you feel good."

I pull the man's hands off of my neck, knee him in the stomach. The man rolls off of me, and I run out of the hotel as fast as I can.  The man run's behind me, trying to catch up.

"Hey, You!!"

Running so fast, I feel like my lungs are on fire, I finally lose him. No way! I've never gotten involved in something like that! Shit... why do I have to go through this. I thought was the only time I wouldn't be betrayed. Why...!  Not paying attention to where I'm running, I bump into someone.


It turned about to be the boy from before. 

"That was close!"

The boy's expression quickly turns into a concerned one. 

"What's with that appearance?"

Unable to speak, I yell out the first words that come to my mind.

"Ah... Save Me!"

Noticing my trembling shoulders, the boy walks me to a nearby bench and runs to grab me a drink from an outdoor vending machine.

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