🍂Sonnet 6🍂

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This Sonnet is unique and one of my works I'm most proud of.

I'm from Myanmar. Some of you might heard it before, some of you might not. Recently, our country is under military coup because a group of people who are full of greed, lust and craving for power. They think happiness is dwelled on infinite money and power.

Hundreds has died. All genders, all ages, all ethnicities, all beliefs. There are many parents who will never see their children back. There are many people who has lost their homes. There are many youths whose future has taken forcibly.

I wrote this Sonnet to share awareness here on Wattpad. This Sonnet is dedicated to the people of Myanmar. 

I'll write a joyful Sonnet when the justice and peace have been brought back to the country. Looking forward to that day to come. :)

April 11, 2021 (Sunday) 4:44 pm

April 11, 2021 (Sunday) 4:44 pm

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Sonnet 6

People murder, to feed their greed.
People suffer, and planted the bitterness seed.
Life is short, yet some commit evil deeds.
Life is a blessing, what more we need?

A person's mistake, results in restless fear.
A person's wrong decision, leads people to sin.
A mindless action, can make a child tear.
Foolish acts, Bloody fruits, No peace within.

I've heard a child crying over ruins once called home.
I've seen a father holding his son's body.
A grandmother silently sitting in the room alone.
Happiness was stolen from everybody.

If happiness would cost souls and make our hearts bleed,
It is not true happiness indeed.

Composer: Naw Rachel Ko Ko Maung (Karen, Burmese and Shan by Blood)

Dedicated to: The People of Myanmar

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