Death is written all over your face, ya know?

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I find my piece exerting my existence in momentary passion. The unknown darkness of the night.  

"Hey, You!"  A strange boy called.

"You have death written all over your face, ya know?"

I stared back at the boy, bewildered. 


What the heck is he saying?

"Shut up! Go. Fortune tell someone else."

The boy smiled back at me and chuckled. 

"Just Kidding!"

"I actually don't know those kinds of stuff." 

This boy really is weird, I thought to myself. 


The boy expressionlessly pointed to my face and shrugged.

"Even now, you're making a face engulfed by solitude."

"That's all I wanted to say."

The boy then walked away as if we had never spoken. Strange. I silently walk to the train station, deep in thought. Then hop on the train to go home. Death huh? As if. Feeling empty every day, I don't even feel attached to life. I hopped off the train and smelled my sweater after entering my house. Ugh, it stinks of older men. My mind wanders back to the man I had spent the night with, and I think to myself. It's probably better if I die.

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