Chapter 30- Doctor's Orders

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(Your POV + Time Skip Few Hours)

"Y/N you need to drink something." Papyrus offered the glass of water to me and again, I refused. I won't take it, I just can't.

My entire body is still trembling, despite being wrapped up in several thick blankets. All I can do is stay sitting up but that's pretty much it. It's been like this ever since I woke up a few hours ago.

Papyrus lets out a small whimper, "Please Y/N. I want you to get better." I silently shake my head, pulling the blankets around myself but tighter. In a small way, it helps me feel a bit more secure and safe.

"I-I-I t-think we should g-g-give her more t-time, Papyrus. Because s-s-she still has s-some symptoms, t-there's a c-chance that Y/N c-c-could potentially throw it back up o-o-or c-choke." Alphys mumbles, sympathetically glancing to Papyrus.

I try to give off a small smile, although I'm still exhausted and paranoid, "It's alright, Pap. I'll be okay in no time, okay? I promise."

Alphys readjusts her lab coat, stating, "Don't rush, o-o-okay? I k-know y-you want to g-g-get up a-a-and move around b-but y-you did j-just undergo traumatic s-stress. T-To get better, y-y-you n-need to give it time a-and rest."

Undyne steps out of the kitchen, "I couldn't have said it better myself! THAT GOES FOR YOU TOO PAPYRUS!" "What??? Why me? The Great Papyrus is in excellent health!" Papyrus replies.

Undyne sighs, stepping next to him, "Sure, you don't have any symptoms and Alphys said your scans came out good, but you still dealt with all that stressful stuff. I'm proud of ya for taking care of everything and calling us like you did but now you need to allow yourself some rest too."

Undyne wraps an arm around his shoulders, "And that's exactly why I'm sending you off to bed. Go take a nap!" Papyrus becomes more stubborn, "That's my brother's thing! I don't take naps." Undyne huffs and pushes him down the hall, "Well now's your time to start doing it!!!"

Alphys laughs a bit, staring at the hall, "T-They act so a-a-alike sometimes, y-y'know? It's i-impressive t-that Papyrus w-w-was a-able to get you b-both back home and s-s-set up b-before we even got here."

It goes silent for a bit. Because of that, Alphys got more nervous, anxiously messing with her scaled claws.

"A-Alphys.... How is Sans?" I quietly ask. He saved my life, which makes me feel horrible that this whole mess is my fault. The things I told him this morning are still lingering on my mind too.

'If I wouldn't of left the house like Sans told me to....'

Alphys looks to the side, she's not very good at keeping eye contact for very long. "S-Sans' c-condition is a-a-a bit more.. c-complicated.."

She started off with that, and then finishes with a slower explanation, "Sans h-hasn't r-regained consciousness yet. I d-did a f-few s-scans on his s-soul to make s-sure it w-w-wasn't cracked. T-Thankfully, it wasn't, b-b-but Sans' s-stress levels a-a-are w-w-way t-too high and his magic has become u-unstable because of i-it. He h-has a s-s-small f-fever b-but not bad enough that i-i-it would kill h-him, even with those low, non logical s-stats of his."

"Thank you for coming and helping us. I'm sure Sans will appreciate you and Undyne coming all the way over here to assist Pap."

Alphys blushes bashfully, "O-Oh! I-It's nothing. W-We're g-g-glad the s-situation wasn't w-w-worse than it is n-now."

'I know... I made a dumb choice and then once again, Sans helped me when it went wrong.'

I already broke the little promise I made to him. That I would "be more patient" with him. First day since then that I don't have a clue what's going on and instead of being patient, I blew up.

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