Chapter 24- The Reason

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(~A Few Years In The Past~)

"Come on brat, we'll save you! Get away from the monster before you get hurt!" A man in his early 20's shouted from behind in a teasing tone. Sans tensed up, but didn't say a word. Frisk remained close to his side, hugging onto his arm.

Sans quietly whispered, "Keep walking, just ignore them." Frisk gave him an affirmative nod. The shouts continued, Sans could determine there were about three humans following them.

He was slowly losing his patience as they cried out things that would've immediately earned them a free ticket to getting dunked on. At first it started as a playful joke, telling Frisk to get away from Sans before he did something. Sans always heard rude and even cruel things like this so it was easy to ignore.

However, then the guys caught on that Frisk was the monsters' ambassador and their attitude went down in a dark spiral. Calling Frisk all sorts of names and cursing them out, things were about to get ugly.

"You're the one that dragged us into this mess!"
"My sister says she's in love with a monster, a savage beast. OUR LIVES WILL BE RUINED AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!"

Frisk buried their face into Sans' sleeve, clearly upset and uncomfortable. Sans cupped one of his hands around the side of their head to comfort and slightly shield them from the torment. He figured it would be best for them to just teleport home.

That plan was cut short when one of the fellows behind them grabbed ahold of Frisk and jerked them back. Now it's on... Sans' left pupil flamed a mix of blue and yellow light as he switched into defensive mode. He immediately turned the guy blue and grabbed Frisk out of his grip.

He could hear a woman cheering in the background, "Come on babe! Get him! Turn him to dust, that's one less to deal with!" This isn't good. Sans stood there for a moment. He knew he couldn't use his weapons so he hesitated. They needed to get out of here now.

Sans suddenly saw a broken tree branch swing into the side of his view. Startled, he turned to the attacker. He didn't see much before the makeshift weapon slammed into the side of his neck, loud cracking noises filled the air. Frisk screamed out as Sans was stunned, falling to the ground.

The first guy, was now released from Sans' magic. He smirks wickedly, seeing the damage, chips of Sans vertebrae dusting on the ground. Sans no doubt slipped into unconsciousness by this point. He couldn't do anything right now, let alone breathe.

A shorter guy with messy brown hair was standing over Sans, shaking so much that he dropped the tree branch. The first guy cheered, "Come on Atlas! Stop being a chicken and finish him!"

Their plan was stopped when Frisk screamed louder, choking on their own sobs as they ran over to Sans. They were afraid to even touch Sans and be the cause that he dusted.

The woman from before shouted, "Guys, come on! We have to go! The kid's giving us away and the monster is dust anyway!"

(~Back To The Present + Sans' POV~)

I jolted awake from my nightmarish memory to the sound of my bro's voice, "Sans, wake up! It's okay!" I can't even scream. I can't breathe.


My soul begins to panic and now I can hear myself hyperventilating. This is not the best way to wake up from a nap, as if that nightmare wasn't bad enough.

My mind clouds, turning my thoughts into a haze. Everything around me starts to blur, all I can see is the bright blue glow coming from my eyes. Papyrus let his own panic take over, shouting back and forth with someone. I can barely hear anything over the sound of my panicked breathing.

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