Chapter 15- You're Not Alone

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(~Your POV~)

Madi sounds super worried on the phone, "Thank god, you answered. Y/N please tell me you're okay." I hold one hand over my other ear so I can hear her better. There's so much noise I can hear in the background, "Yeah Madi, I'm fine. What's up?"

"Tune into the news on your phone. I'm not going to be able to pick you up." "Hold on! Madi! I'm seriously worried, what's going on?" I shout, my anxiety levels climbing.

"There's protesting in the city, Atlas even ran out there. Fights have already started. You need to get somewhere where it's safe. I'm stuck in the cafe for now but everything will be okay, I promise. Stay with Sans but you need to stay hidden..!"

'You've got to be kidding.'

Just like that, Madison hung up. I worriedly gaze at my phone.

'No freaking way. Oh god.. What about work?'

I quickly search for my local news station's website and look at the live topics. The first article immediately caught my eye.

"First order from the new mayor. Monsters and humans should never cross over the border or associate themselves with the other race. Any person found doing so can be charged and sentenced time in prison."

I scream at my phone, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That's ridiculous!" No wonder people are mad. All of the grocery stores and businesses are on the side of town designated for humans. The monsters would have no way of getting their necessities.

'This mayor is causing chaos. First the apartment building and now this- wait.......'

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. That apartment complex was on the border, both monster and human families lived in it.

'Oh my god.. He did that to make sure that this law couldn't be broken-..'

There's photos posted on the article, one is him but there's a formal family photo under it. The mayor and his daughter. My heart drops, it's Venus.


I cover over my mouth with my hands.

'I'm so screwed!'

I rush back into Grillby's, "Sans!"

(~Sans' POV~)

I immediately turn to see Y/N trembling. She's on the verge of tears as she pleads, "I need to go. We need to go home. Please!" Y/N's breathing turns panicked. I'm worried she's going to have a panic attack. I grab my book and hop off my seat, rushing to her.

There's no time for me to really think about the situation. Needing to get her out of this environment, I teleport us both into our house. Y/N seems completely unfazed by it and paces around the living room. I try to get her to calm down, grabbing her hand and making her sit on the couch.

I hurriedly write down, "Y/N, Breathe. What's wrong?"

(~Your POV~)

'Of ALL the people, it HAD to be her! THAT'S IT, I'M GOING TO JAIL!'

My mind and heart are racing. I have no idea what to do. For all I know, Venus could've already told her dad, THE MAYOR, that I not only talk with monsters, I defended one from her! If Venus found out I live on the monster's side of the border, with two monsters on top of that. She definitely will not hesitate to make my life more miserable than she already has!

My entire body is trembling, I can't even focus on Sans right now. I'm in outright panic!

Sans sits down next to me and grabs my shoulder. He shakes me a little bit so that I'll pay attention to him. "Things for us just got worse." I mumble and hand him my phone, still open to the article. He takes a few minutes to read over it and his expression looks as shocked as mine.

I pointed to the photos, "You see her?" Sans nods and looks back at me. I point to myself, getting emotionally overwhelmed, "That's my boss at work." I can't stop the tears from falling down my face. I show him my arms, "She is the one who gives me these, because I defend monsters. Now I-" My voice cracks as I look away from him, needing a moment to breathe.

'Crap, I hate it when I cry in front of people.'

The room goes silent and I feel more horrible, dwelling on all of my anxiety. Out of nowhere, Sans wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight, "It's gonna be ok, kid." I hold my breath, trying to stop myself from crying more.

'I feel pathetic.'

He pulled away and looks me dead in the eyes, "Y/N, you're not alone. Understand?" I nod silently, trying to fill my heart with at least some hope. Sans takes a shaky breath in and pulls the collar of his shirt down. This revealed the large, scarred, and splintered cracks on his neck. I gasped.

'Toriel told me about it already but I didn't think it was that bad...'

He turns around to grab his book from the other side of the couch. He writes something down and turns the book around for me to see, "I defended humans."

I ask, "If you can talk, why do you do this? The notes, the books, all of it..."

He takes another deep breath while writing something down, "I spoke up and that put my family in so much turmoil. I vowed to myself that even if it meant giving up my voice, I wouldn't put my bro through that again." Sans tightly clutches onto the book, tearing up. He looks down at his lap and his hands start to shake too.

'I can't bear to watch him go through this.'

I cup my hands around his cheeks and make him look at me, "Hey." Sans' cheeks glow blue as the first of his tears start to fall. I gently wipe them away with my thumbs and softly tease, "Don't cry. Dude, I just managed to calm myself down."

We both laugh, forgetting the world and it's terrors for a few seconds. A few seconds, that's all we needed.

'Look at that. I finally got him to laugh.'

Writer~San: Bro, it's so cute yet scary. So adorable, I might die. XD Hope everyone enjoying the book so far because there's plenty of chapters to come!

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