Chapter 2- Discrimination

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Writer~San: Hello! Hope you're having a good day so far. Here's Chapter 2!

(~Your POV~)

It's lunch time, you would not believe how bored I am right now. The paperwork stack I have to fill out is outrageously complex, a punishment for being late.

'I really don't want to work a night shift...'

I'm trying to get it done as quickly as possible but still neatly, if I rush I could get in trouble for misspelling something. I look to the hall, a slim cat monster, stationed a few desks away from me, stands up.

Her fur is white with various black spots or patches. It matches her attire, a button up shirt like mine, and a short black skirt. I can tell she's uncomfortable, pretty sure she's one of the newer employees here.

She walks past, ears flattened against her head and tail low to the ground. I watch her for a bit until she disappears out of sight, going into the bathroom. "What are you doing, L/N? Slacking off?" I flinch, hearing my supervisor's voice over my shoulder, "No ma'am. It's lunch break so I was taking some time to fill these out." I show her one of my papers.

Her hair lays over her shoulders as she peers at my work. I'm dying by the thick, intense smell of perfume and hairspray. She flicks the back of my head, "Well you need to stop gazing around the room. At this rate, you'll be stuck writing here for two days." "Yes ma'am." I reply, really just wishing she'd go away.

'You're distracting me.'

She hasn't worked here for more than 3 months but somehow she's managed to climb the work ladder pretty quickly. From intern to supervisor in 2 months, to be more specific.

'I'll tell ya how, flirting and sucking up to every boss she has. It's her expertise.'

She makes everyone call her Miss Venus. I think she compares herself to the goddess but the only thing I think of is the Venus flytrap plant that lures it's prey close to trap and eat it. She huffs impatiently, "I'm bored. Keep at it, alright?" She walks away, going down the hall and into the bathroom. I immediately know she's going in there to cause trouble.

'It's not my business.'

(~Time Skip~)

It's only been a few minutes and neither my workmate or my supervisor has come out. In fact, I saw two of Venus' friends follow her in there. I sigh, standing up and walking towards the bathroom.

'This day is going to get rough real quick.'

I stand near the door, listening in.

"L-Let me go!"
"Oh come on Mittens. I'm here to talk and make sure we understand each other. You are NOTHING, so what makes you think you deserve a job here? You think you're so special to take my position? Well guess what? I wOn'T LEt YoU.."

'Great.. Exactly what I thought was happening..'

I quietly step in. The cat monster is cornered, pinned on the wall by none other than Venus. She tries to get away, "My name is not Mittens and I don't want any trouble! Stop it!" Venus yanks on her tail, "Or WHAT? You'll bite me? Go ahead and watch as I get security to throw you out! You'll be unemployed and your reputation will be ruined for the rest of your pathetic life." My monster workmate yowls and tries to get her tail out of Venus' grip.

I speak up, "Hey! Let her go for goodness sake! She knows the laws between humans and monsters, she won't defend herself. Pick on someone else." My supervisor stops and turns to me, "Y/N L/N, a monster lover? Isn't that interesting.." Venus lets go of the cat woman's tail. She rushes past me, tail in between her legs, but then whispers, "Thank you." I nod, and watch her walk out. As soon as the door closes, Venus smiles, "Pick on someone else, huh? Girls, grab Y/N for me."

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