Chapter 4- Skeleton Brothers

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(~Your POV~)

Turns out Sans lived a few blocks away from me all this time. He approaches a small house, unlocking the front door. It's not anything special, small enough to be a one or two bedroom house. This area is pretty quiet, no one outside because of the harsh winds and rain.

I patiently stand a few feet away, wondering why he brought me here. Sans opens the door and walks in, holding the door open for me. I walk in, quickly mumbling, "Thanks, but I wouldn't want to intrude."

He jots something down in his notebook again, then turns it around, "Wanted to get ya out of the rain."

'I'm flattered, he's sweet.'

Sans turns over a few pages while walking to the right. I close the door behind me, fold up my umbrella, and place it next to the door. It looks like we're the living room. To the right, there's a doorway to a kitchen. Ahead, there's a hall that I would guess leads to bedrooms and a bathroom. To the left, there's two little couches placed in the shape of a sideways "L." In front of the couches, there's a low table. Their tv is placed on the wall in front of the whole setup. On the little table, there's a plate with a rock on it, covered in sprinkles.

'Interesting piece of decoration.'

(Writer~San: Remember, monsters live on the surface now so Sans obviously couldn't move their house from Snowdin lol. This is just a small little house so you can imagine how it looks (or is decorated) any way you want.)

Sans simply knocks twice on the kitchen doorway, while going through his notebook still. I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear another voice scream, "SANS! YOU'RE HOME!" Sans saw me jump and grinned, turning towards the doorway. Another skeleton rushes into the living room from the kitchen.

'He's tall!'

Best guess, he's a few inches over 6 feet. He has some casual clothes on: white T-shirt, black pants, a red scarf, and some red gloves. The choice of wearing gloves is a bit odd but I decide not to question it. He can wear whatever he wants. Sans smiles and gives him a quick wave. He holds up his book to him, "Hey Bro :)" I almost laugh at the little smiley face, not gonna lie.

'This is his brother? Crazy big differences for sure.'

"I'm almost done cooking, brother! I saw it started raining. I hope it didn't interfere too much with your walk-" He suddenly stops when he spots me. I nervously smile, waving, "Hi." He turns back to Sans, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WE WERE HAVING GUESTS?! THE HOUSE IS A MESS!"

'It looks cleaner than my apartment.'

Sans writes in his book, "Sorry, it was last minute." The taller brother read the message and sighed, "I suppose I should be more prepared for these types of occasions." Then he turns to me. His pupils are orange, different from his brother's. "Human! I apologize, my brother slacks with his chores and his explanations. I am Papyrus, what might I call you?"

'Monsters definitely have some cool names.'

I politely reply, "My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N." He smiles, looking confident, "Ms. Y/N L/N. I, the Great Papyrus, am certain that we can be great friends!" I giggle, "It's nice to meet you, Papyrus."

'These two aren't bad at all. This is actually pretty fun already.'

Sans yawns, standing there quietly. Pretty sure he's going to fall asleep standing up. Papyrus cheers, "Sans must be hungry! To the kitchen!" With one motion, he scoops up his brother like he was a stuffed animal. Sans' eyes go wide and he tenses up, he internally panicked for a second, definitely wasn't expecting that.

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