Chapter 27- Box Of Letters

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(~Sans' POV~)

"Brother... Sans?? Sans..!" Pap was calling me. I let out a small groan, waking up, "Hm?.. Yeah bro?" "Wait, don't move!" He said in a hushed tone.

'What?? Why???'

I soon figured out what he was talking about. Y/N was sleeping too, leaning on me with her head laid on top of my skull.

'Heh. We both fell asleep.'

I yawn, then softly tell my bro, "It's okay Pap, I know." It was tempting to fall asleep again, encased in Y/N's warm embrace. I can feel her heartbeat. Whether it's her soul or her actual heart, it's calm and soothing. I don't want to move, to just stay like this. My eye sockets start to close again when Papyrus spoke up again, "Brother, I... Can we talk?"

Immediately, my soul is thrown into alert mode.


I look at him, a little surprised, "Yeah, yeah bro..! Hold on a sec." Papyrus steps back a bit, "You don't have to get up! I.. I didn't know when would be a better time to talk with you..." "Bro, right now is the perfect time if you're willing to talk." I comfort him.

A moment passes by. Papyrus is nervously messing with his gloves as he mumbles, "I suppose you're right." To give Y/N and I some space, he decided to sit on the other couch. Meanwhile, I carefully move Y/N a bit so she can lean on the arm of the couch instead of me.

The move was successful and she didn't wake up. Y/N took a deep breath in before curling up slightly and relaxing again. Papyrus and I waited a moment to make sure she was still asleep.

I give Papyrus all of my attention, asking him, "What did ya need, Pap?" Paps hesitates before saying, "I'm sorry, about you and the human having to see me like this. A great and cool skeleton such as myself shouldn't have people worrying about him. I should've been more brave instead of letting fear take over. I thought I could handle it on my own."

"Papyrus, it's okay. We worry because we care about ya. There's nothing wrong with that." I say with a small smile.

Papyrus blinks, his orange pupils glow more, "Sans, I... I'm afraid." I try to shove down my nervousness, shrugging and smiling, "Pap, I'm pretty sure Undyne's not hiding under your bed again. I already told her to stop doing that-"

"We're not safe here."

Papyrus said that with a monotone voice, something that I've NEVER heard before. It genuinely scared me, and I froze.

I nervously ask, my smile wavering, "What do you mean, bro?"

Papyrus' bones start to shake and rattle as he hugs himself. He stares at the floor, almost looks like he's talking to himself rather than me, "He said he won't make the same mistake again, he'll hurt you. He's going to take Y/N away and... and-"

Bright orange tears fall down his face as he looks at me, "Brother... I.. I can't lose you again."

My reaction is immediate, my soul skipping a beat and my eyes glowing brighter. I hurriedly jump off the couch and run over to him, "Bro, don't say that..!" I hug him, "You're not going to, okay? I'm right here."

It was rare to see Paps cry, even when he was a baby bones. Seeing him like this and the way he's been acting lately, added to the fact that he tried to hide that someone's been threatening him, is a very bad sign.

Papyrus hugs back, picking me up so he could hold me tighter. The both of us can sense each other's fear. I tried to keep mine under control so I could be there for him. I can feel his soul racing.

I pull back and look him in the eyes, my voice firm, "Papyrus, who said these things to you?"

He can't seem to focus, the glowing pinpricks in his sockets are shaking. I give him some time to think before repeating myself, "Pap. Who told you?"

"A human, sounded like a man. Other than that, I couldn't see them under their hood. I only saw them once but.... wait here." Papyrus set me to the side and stood up, wiping his tears away.

My bro walks into his room, staying there for a few minutes. I anxiously waited for him.

'Who is this guy? What does he want? When did this happen? Must've been a little bit before last week, that's when Pap started acting fidgety.'

Papyrus came back with a small box, his hands still shaking as he tightly grasped it. He put it in my lap, "After I met them, these started showing up."

I opened the box, several open letters are inside, addressed to me.

'There's no return address, no stamp either. How were these delivered?'

Papyrus looks away anxiously, readjusting his scarf, "I thought it was odd at first. You never get any mail and the subject of the letters aren't friendly. Yet, the more that showed up, it reminded me of the guy I had met at the border."

I slowly opened one of the letters, reading over it. My younger brother was right, these letters aren't friendly at all. It's littered with threatening statements. Most involving Y/N.

Things like..
"Stay away from her."
"A monster doesn't deserve her."
"She's mine."
"I know you have her, give her back."
"I won't ignore you anymore. Nothing can save you this time."

I wanted to throw up. What psycho is responsible for this?

I closed that letter and read over another, then another, and another. Papyrus was against it but I need to know what we're facing here. It could be some silly prank by some kid or a broken-hearted crush.

Though, as I read more, the more insane the threats became. Threats to hurt Papyrus and myself. Comments were made referring back to Frisk and I, the accident, my record, and my neck...

'How do they know? HOW?!'

It got worse, pictures were included. Printed pictures of Y/N and myself when we met secretly on the side of the cafe. Pictures of us together, walking into the house. Pictures of Y/N going to work. I threw everything back into the box and slammed it shut.

All feelings of safety vanished completely as I looked to the front door. This is not a prank or some sort of sick joke. Someone dangerous is out there and they're after Y/N.

Papyrus shakily asks, snapping me out of my panicked thoughts, "Sans, what are we going to do?"

'He never should've gotten mixed into this. The incident with me has affected him enough.'

I say urgently, "Papyrus, I need to borrow your phone."

"Why?" He tilts his head.

I look at him dead in the eyes, "Because Undyne won't answer if it's mine."

Writer~San: OH BOY- LoOK aT ThAt! A secret admirer! Definitely not the good kind though. Sans is serious about keeping you and Papyrus safe so we'll have to see what his plan is..-in the next chapter! Lol sorry! Cya later peeps!

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