Chapter 21- Playing Hero

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Writer~San: Heya! How y'all doing? •w• I got another chapter for y'all. *yeets words onto page*

(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

I quietly fill out my paperwork, as I have to do, every day. I pause when I hear some coworkers murmuring, my name popping into the conversation on some occasions.

"Did you see what Y/N did this morning?"
"She got that monster's M.T.A license restored. Y'know the one who worked here."
"Did it right in front of Venus and the cops..."

I sigh and flip to the next page, reading over the regulations again.

'Don't focus on it...'

(~Memory To This Morning~)

Venus walked in, a police officer by her side, "That's the one. Arrest her!"

My heart leapt into my throat as I whipped my chair around to face them.


I could feel the color draining from my face. My anxiety is about to shoot to the moon, already accepting my defeat. The little charade is over. But then, Venus and the officer walked past me.


I let out a huge exhale. I didn't realize I was holding my breath in the first place. I hear Blyss let out a sharp yowl as Venus harshly grabbed her arm and jerked her upright and out of her work cubicle.

'Ah crap!'

Venus glared at her, talking to the policeman, "Last week, I found her altering work property without my authorization! She needs to be incarcerated immediately and her license removed!"

'Last week....? oh no..'

No doubt about it, it was the day she took my shift. She must've been doing my work and Venus caught her. Blyss jerks away from Venus, "I-I was doing my work! That's not illegal!" "You're a monster! Who knows what you could've altered? It wasn't authorized! How many dangerous monsters did you help doing something like that?!" Venus hissed.

The policeman was confused but calm to say the least, like he wasn't sure how to handle the situation aka Venus' rash behavior. It's not "professional" of her at all. He grabbed Blyss and proceeded to handcuff her.

'No... You can't do this.. YOU CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN! GET UP Y/N!'

I shot straight up out of my chair, "RELEASE HER!" The whole room went silent, everyone now staring at me, bewildered. My legs started to shake but I don't care, I will not allow another reputation of a monster I know to get ruined! I stepped over, clearing my throat, "With all due respect sir.. You are violating her rights, officer. You may not know me but I'm Y/N L/N, my father and uncle served as commanding sheriffs in this district some years ago."

The policeman's eyes widened, "Yes! I know them. They served us well before retiring early. Please send my greetings when you see them."

I gave him a nod before stating, "I know this monster, and she was doing that work last week under my authority. Something came up outside of work and I had to leave early, so I left my remaining paperwork to her. The M.T.A regulations state that if a monster is given permission by a human to do legal activities and it is proven, they aren't to be charged. Do you understand?"

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