Chapter 39 - Queen's Dinner

Start from the beginning

Gilderoy, much to Rowan's surprise, hadn't looked up either. He had kept his eyes on Rowan the entire time, and she could tell he was trying to apologize. Now that the identity of the person who had kidnapped them had been revealed to them, Rowan now understood why he would feel the need to apologize. 

"Eat, Rowan. You look pale," The woman in front of her commanded as she placed a napkin in her lap. Rowan couldn't help but let her anger get the best of her. "Bite me, mother," Rowan spat, finally looking up to meet the gaze of none other than Evanora Knight. "Now, Rowan; I raised you better than to act so foolishly. I am risking my job to come here and visit you tonight," 

Rowan only scoffed in response, returning her gaze to the food in front of her. Normally, she would never turn down a meal such as this; even if she was kidnapped. It was a meal her mother had cooked many times before when they had lived in America. Now, when she looked at the meal, all she could imagine was her father. He would have loved this meal, and Rowan had killed him for a woman who would turn on her own daughter. 

Suddenly, Rowan could feel a burning sensation in her mind. Gasping, she clasped her head tightly. The pain began behind her eyes and slowly followed back into her head, but all she could hear was a calming voice. One she thought she would never hear again. I know I love you. The voice of Severus Snape was clear as day in Rowan's head, but he was nowhere near her. 

"I need to pee," Rowan said bluntly, jingling the chains that were fastened around her ankles. Evanora smiled in an annoyed manner before turning to Greyback. "Fenrir, take her to the restroom. Keep an eye on our guest," The woman's voice could be compared to that of a snake's hiss. It was a warning if Rowan had ever heard one. If Greyback did not watch her, there would be consequences. 

Moving rather quickly, Greyback unlocked Rowan's restraints and wrapped his large hand around her arm roughly. He rolled his eyes before slinging Rowan over his shoulder and taking her back upstairs. Passing the room Rowan had changed in, they entered a rather large bathroom. Setting her down, Greyback nodded toward the toilet. "Go. I will turn around," He spoke, doing as he said he would. 

Rolling her eyes, Rowan walked over to the sink. Truthfully, she hadn't needed to pee. She just needed to be as far away from her mother as possible. "Why do you call her Hyde?" Rowan asked as she turned on the faucet. Greyback grunted in a manner that almost seemed like a laugh. Though, Rowan didn't believe he had that ability. "She married a wizard at the ministry. According to the boss, his last name is Hyde. She doesn't tell us much," Greyback explained, shifting in the doorway. 

"Could you hurry? I need to request that Hyde have you bathe after dinner," He said, shifting again. Rowan rolled her eyes as she ran water over the wounds on her wrists. Rowan could tell that her wounds would most likely become infected; especially with the conditions of the basement. "I'm sorry, does the smell bother you? You try being in the basement for a few days," Rowan hissed, roughly shutting off the water. 

As she tried to step away from the sink, she began to feel lightheaded. Shaking her head, she brushed it off. I'm just hungry, she thought. "Don't get all sensitive about it. You don't smell like Lockhart, and he smells like the basement. There's something else, something off, about you," Greyback said as he turned around and began to walk toward Rowan. He wrapped his arms around her, more gently than last time, and put her over his shoulder. 

Joining the group back at the dinner table, Rowan met her mother's eyes again. Rowan almost didn't recognize the person in front of her. "I must tell you, your boyfriend surprised me at the rate he moved on from you," Evanora said as she took a bite of her food. Rowan furrowed her brow in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Rowan whispered, her eyes glaring angrily. 

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