21. Ministry of Magic - Astra

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Daddy and Papa said wed an important meeting today with Mr. Fudge, the rude man that barged into the great Hall.after the tests a few weeks back. Why we had to meet with him, I didn't quite know. Let's just say i wasn't very happy to have to leave the cottage today, I just wanted to read iut in the gardens with daddy and papa and enjoy our last day before we left for school. Before all their tike would be focused on other kids... I've never really been around other kids before. Other that the weasleys. Though Fred and George told me great stories about the school and all the funny pranks they pulled, though I think Papa's pranks sounded better but I wouldn't tell the twins.

Im kinda scared to go to hogwarts. Everyone is older than me. I'm hoping I can't just stay with Daddy or Papa.

Anyway, they dragged me out of the cottage and into the floo befire lunch. When we walked out of the floor we were standing at one end of a very long and splendid hall with a highly polished, dark wood floor. The peacock-blue ceiling was inlaid with gleaming golden symbols that were continually moving and changing like some enormous heavenly notice board. Looking around i noticed that the walls on each side were panelled in shiny dark wood and had rows of fireplaces set into them. Every few seconds a witch or wizard would appear from one of the left-hand fireplaces with a soft whoosh; on the right-hand side, short queues of wizards were forming before each fireplace, waiting to leave. The place was huge!

"Daddy?" I cried yanking at his jumper sleeve. I was too small. People were pushing against me, causing me to trip over my feet. I already couldn't see Papa having lost him in the sea of strangers.

Daddy looked down at me, I think he noticed how panicked I was cause next thing I know.hes picked me up and is carrying me through the crowds.

"Its okay sweetheart, we'll be out of here quicker than you can say quidditch." He whispered in my eye trying to calm me down, but all I could think was...wheres papa?

"Moony! Over here" papa called, looking around over the heads of the crowd, I spotted him, standing by a large fountain, with a strange statue in the middle of it.

Daddy approached him and took his hand.  "Don't disappear like that. We need to stick together. There's too many people here"

"Awh, worried about me moony?" Papa joked, winking at daddy.

I reached over and slapped papas shoulder before burying my head into daddys neck. "It wasn't funny!" I grumbled.

"Sorry pup, how about we go check out diagon alley after this and I get you some.ice cream to make it up to you?" Papa asked, trying to get me to forgive him.but I wouldn't let him off that easy. He scared me. I thought the bad people had taken him away again.

"No, thank you" I muttered under my breath clinging onto daddys jumper.

"Not even for ice cream?" Papa asked tickling my side but I just shook my head, no.

"Sirius, she doesn't like.crowds. I don't think she's ever been around this many People before. She doesn't like.strangers and this" daddy said gesturing around the large hall "is a rather large group of strangers. You disappeared she couldn't see you, I think.she thought you were taken, you don't have your pardon papers yet, someone could have reported seeing you and some lower level.auror may have tried to arrest you. I know I was worried myself. So please, for us, stay beside us till we meet fudge"

Papa looked at his shoes before looming back at me and daddy with guilty eyes. He whispered an apology before daddy gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

After a few turns down some corridors and a very awkward elevator ride with a grumpy man who seemed oddly familiar be arrived in a kind of smaller entrance hall that lead onto many corridors. It's was quieter here so daddy let me walk beside him now, though I clung to his hand like my life depended on it. We went to walk towards a corridor that was labeled "office of the minister of magic" which we walked towards.

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